
Matlab and C++ code

To run a demo of corner cameras download the data below and run test_corner.m in the 'matlab' directory. Make sure to change the 'datafolder' path to point to the downloaded example_video directory. To change which videos are being processed select a different parameter file under the comment "select the videos to process below".

To process data in a stereo corner camera setup run test_stereo.m. Again, make sure to change the 'datafolder' path to point to the downloaded example_video directory.

The code and executables are provided for non-commercial research purposes only. Contact the authors if you wish to use the code commercially.


Download sample videos that can be used with the above code to recover the motion of people behind the corner. We include videos taken both indoors and outdoors. We have included parameters that can be used for the calibration step (homography and corner selection). To run your own calibration simply remove the .mat files from the video directories.


This work was supported in part by the DARPA REVEAL Program under Contract No. HR0011- 16-C-0030, NSF Grant 1212849, Shell Research, and an NDSEG Fellowship (to ABY). We thank Yoav Schechner, Jeff Shapiro, Franco Wang, and Vivek Goyal for helpful discussions.