Katherine L. Bouman       Bei Xiao       Peter Battaglia       William T. Freeman
We have compiled videos of 30 different types of real fabric along with measurements of their material properties. This dataset can be used for training and testing algorithms for predicting material properties of fabric. The fabrics span a variety of stiffness and area weights. A summary of these fabrics can be seen in the figure below.
Specimens of the fabric were sent to the Lowell ACMTRL Laboratory in order to be tested for stiffness, density, and area weight.
RGB Videos:
90 Videos (858×850 pixel resolution) of the 30 fabrics moving in response to each of the 3 different strengths of wind force. Download the zip file containing the videos below (12.2 G).CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE VIDEOS
Youtube Videos:
Compressed versions of the RGB Videos (726×720 pixel resolution). These videos are only ~60 MB each. These videos were used for the perceputal study on Amazon's Mechanical Turk.Kinect RGBD Videos:
Lower Resolution (640×480 pixel resolution) RGBD videos of the 30 fabrics moving in response to each of the 3 different intenties of wind force. These videos can be extracted from oni files.Kinect ONI Files Provided Upon Request
If you use this dataset for your work please cite the following paper:
author = "Bouman, K. L. and Xiao, B. and Battaglia, P. and Freeman, W. T.",
title = "Estimating the Material Properties of Fabric from Video",
journal = "International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)",
year = "2013"