Biographical Sketch
Tim Kraska is an Associate Professor in MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), member of the Data Systems Group (DSG) and co-director of the Data System and AI Lab (DSAIL@CSAIL) at MIT, an industry sponsored lab consisting 8 faculty members with the goal to explore ways to enhance systems using ML and build systems for ML. Recently, Tim co-founded einblick analytics, inc to commercialize his Northstar research project.
Before joining MIT, Tim was an Assistant Professor at Brown University, spent time at Google Research, and was a PostDoc in the AMPLab at UC Berkeley after he had earned his PhD from ETH Zurich. Tim is a 2017 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow in computer science and received several awards including the VLDB Early Career Research Contribution Award, the VMware Systems Research Award, the university-wide Early Career Research Achievement Award at Brown University, an NSF CAREER Award, as well as several best paper and demo awards at VLDB and ICDE.
Tim is a regular keynote speaker at academic and industry conferences and workshops. He served on over 30 program committees of various database, data mining, systems, visualization, and crowdsourcing conferences and was the program chair at 6 conference tracks/workshops, including the co-chair of SIGMOD 2016 and 2019 - the largest database conference. Tim is on the advisory board of the NSF Northeast Big Data Hub, was an associate editor of the Data Engineering Bulletin, and served as an expert witness in a major legal case.