Eye gaze estimation for recognition of gaze aversion gestures (Video 3,20 MB)
Head pose estimates (Video 11.5 MB)
Head tracker used with an interactive kiosk (Video 41,08 MB)
Head pose estimation for a long period of time using the tracking system (AVI, 7.19 MB) Rigid object (puppet) pose tracking using the adaptive tracking system (AVI, 3.78 MB) Example sequence of head tracking with partial obstruction (AVI, 11.83 MB) Evolution of the keyframes during tracking (AVI, 45.04 MB)
Head tracker used to determine speaker focus of attention (MPEG 9.13 MB)
Advantage of depth and close-loop processing (MPEG video, 4.66MB) One application of the tracker: mouse control (AVI video, 6.45MB)