

Curriculum Vitae

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bulletWatson: Real-time Visual feedback Recognition Library

        Watson is a real-time visual feedback recognition library for interactive interfaces that can recognize head gaze, head gestures, eye gaze and eye gestures using the images of a monocular or stereo camera. Watson has been downloaded by more then 70 researchers around the world and was successfully used by MERL, USC, NTT, Media Lab and many other research groups. See details: Watson project page

bulletHCRF Library: Discriminative models for sequence labeling

        Library implementing three different discriminative models: Conditional Random Fields (CRF), Hidden-state Conditional Random Fields (HCRF) and Latent-Dynamic Conditional Random Fields (LDCRF).  The library offers C++ and Matlab interfaces for Windows and Linux.  See details: SourceForge


        C++ wrapper of the Image Processing component of the Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP). Includes: color and grayscale formats, region of interest (ROI), morphological operators, read/write (PGM and JPEG). See details: SourceForge

This page was last updated on 12/07/06.