Michael Carbin

Associate Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Head, Programming Systems Group
Research Interests
I lead the MIT Programming Systems Group. My group investigates the design, semantics, and implementation of language-driven systems. We have a current focus on systems that operate in the presence of uncertainty in their environment (perception), implementation (neural networks or approximate transformations), or execution (unreliable hardware).
- Current Graduate Students and Post-Docs: Eric Atkinson, Ellie Cheng, Yi Ding, Jonathan Frankle, Tian Jin (co-advised with Jonathan Ragan-Kelley), Jesse Michel, Alexander Renda, Logan Weber (co-advised with Saman Amarasinghe), Cambridge Yang, Charles Yuan
- Current Undergraduate Students: Zachary Ankner
- Alumni: Brett Boston (MS, Galois), James Gilles (MEng, Reservoir Labs), Hyunji Kim (MEng, Stripe), Rajiv Movva (UG, Cornell Tech; PhD), Arlene Siswanto (MEng, Google Brain), Benjamin Sherman (PhD, Waymo), Sahil Verma (UG Visitor, University of Washington; PhD)
- Dynamic Computer Language Engineering (6.S081), Spring 2019
- Dynamic Computer Language Engineering (6.S081), Spring 2018
- Computer Language Engineering (6.035), Fall 2017
- (Dynamic) Computer Language Engineering (6.035), Spring 2017
- Computer Systems Engineering (6.033), Spring 2016
- Program Committees: MLSys 2023 (Program Co-Chair), POPL 2022, OOPSLA 2021, ASPLOS 2021, ICLR 2021 (Area Chair), PLDI 2020, ICML 2020, NeurIPS 2020, ASPLOS 2020, SysML 2020, CGO 2019, EuroSys 2019, ECOOP 2018, USENIX ATC 2018, CGO 2018, PLDI 2017 (ERC), CGO 2017, OOPSLA 2016, PLDI 2016, CGO 2015
- MIT Frank E. Perkins Award for Excellence in Graduate Advising, 2020
- Sloan Research Fellowship, 2020
- Facebook Research Award, 2019
- Distinguished Paper Award, ICFP 2019
- Best Paper Award, ICLR 2019
- Google Faculty Research Award, 2018
- NSF CAREER Award, 2018
- CACM Research Highlight, 2016
- Best Paper Award, OOPSLA 2014
- Best Paper Award, OOPSLA 2013
- Best Talk Award, POPL Student Session 2013
- Microsoft Research Graduate Fellowship, 2008
- MIT Lemelson Presidential Fellowship, 2006
- Stanford Wegbreit Best Computer Science Undergraduate Honors Thesis, 2006
Verifying Handcoded Probabilistic Inference Procedures
Eric Atkinson, Cambridge Yang, and Michael Carbin (arXiv)
On Neural Network Pruning's Effect on Generalization
Tian Jin, Daniel M. Roy, Michael Carbin, Jonathan Frankle, Gintare Karolina Dziugaite
NeurIPS '22 (To Appear) — Neural Information Processing Systems
Semi-symbolic Inference for Efficient Streaming Probabilistic Programming
Eric Atkinson, Guillaume Baudart, Louis Mandel, Charles Yuan, and Michael Carbin
OOPSLA '22 (To Appear) — Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
Tower: Data Structures in Quantum Superposition
Charles Yuan and Michael Carbin
OOPSLA '22 (To Appear) — Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
On the (In)Tractability of Reinforcement Learning for LTL Objectives
Cambridge Yang, Michael Littman, and Michael Carbin
IJCAI '22 (Long Oral) — International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (arXiv)
Twist: sound reasoning for purity and entanglement in quantum programs
Charles Yuan, Christopher McNally, and Michael Carbin
POPL '22 — Principles of Programming Languages (ACM)
Statically Bounded-Memory Delayed Sampling for Probabilistic Streams
Eric Atkinson, Guillaume Baudart, Louis Mandel, Charles Yuan, and Michael Carbin
OOPSLA '21 — Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
Programming with Neural Surrogates of Programs
Alex Renda, Yi Ding, and Michael Carbin
Onward! '21 — International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software, Onward!
Generalizable and interpretable learning for configuration extrapolation
Yi Ding, Ahsan Pervaiz, Michael Carbin, and Henry Hoffmann
FSE '21 — European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ACM)
On the Predictability of Pruning Across Scales
Jonathan S. Rosenfeld, Jonathan Frankle, Michael Carbin, and Nir Shavit
ICML '21 — International Conference on Machine Learning (arXiv)
The Lottery Tickets Hypothesis for Supervised and Self-supervised Pre-training in Computer Vision Models
Tianlong Chen, Jonathan Frankle, Shiyu Chang, Sijia Liu, Yang Zhang, Michael Carbin, and Zhangyang Wang
CVPR '21 — Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (arXiv)
Pruning Neural Networks at Initialization: Why are We Missing the Mark?
Jonathan Frankle, Gintare Karolina Dziugaite, Daniel M. Roy, and Michael Carbin
ICLR '21 — International Conference on Learning Representations (arXiv)
Vegen: A Vectorizer Generator for SIMD and Beyond
Yishen Chen, Charith Mendis, Michael Carbin, and Saman Amarasinghe
ASPLOS '21 — Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ACM)
λS: Computable semantics for differentiable programming with higher-order functions and datatypes
Benjamin Sherman, Jesse Michel, and Michael Carbin
POPL '21 — Principles of Programming Languages (arXiv)
Simplifying Dependent Reductions in the Polyhedral Model
Cambridge Yang, Eric Atkinson, and Michael Carbin
POPL '21 — Principles of Programming Languages (arXiv)
The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Pre-trained BERT Networks
Tianlong Chen, Jonathan Frankle, Shiyu Chang, Sijia Liu, Yang Zhang, Zhangyang Wang, Michael Carbin
NeurIPS '20 — Neural Information Processing Systems (arXiv)
Programming and Reasoning with Partial Observability
Eric Atkinson and Michael Carbin
OOPSLA '20 — Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (arXiv)
DiffTune: Optimizing CPU Simulator Parameters with Learned Differentiable Surrogates
Alex Renda, Yishen Chen, Charith Mendis, and Michael Carbin
MICRO '20 — International Symposium on Microarchitecture (arXiv)
Linear Mode Connectivity and the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis
Jonathan Frankle, Gintare Karolina Dziugaite, Daniel M. Roy, and Michael Carbin
ICML '20 — International Conference on Machine Learning (arXiv)
Reactive Probabilistic Programming
Guillaume Baudart, Louis Mandel, Eric Atkinson, Benjamin Sherman, Marc Pouzet, and Michael Carbin
PLDI '20 — Programming Language Design and Implementation (arXiv)
Comparing Fine-tuning and Rewinding in Neural Network Pruning
Alex Renda, Jonathan Frankle, and Michael Carbin
ICLR '20 (Oral) — International Conference on Learning Representations (arXiv)
A Type System and Semantics for Sound Programmable Inference in Probabilistic Languages
Alexander K. Lew, Marco F. Cusumano Towner, Benjamin Sherman, Michael Carbin, and Vikash K. Mansinghka
POPL '20 — Principles of Programming Languages
Exploiting Errors for Efficiency: A Survey from Circuits to Algorithms
Phillip Stanley-Marbell, Armin Alaghi, Michael Carbin, Eva Darulova, Lara Dolecek, Andreas Gerstlauer, Ghayoor Gillani, Djordje Jevdjic, Thierry Moreau, Mattia Cacciotti, Alexandros Daglis, Natalie Enright Jerger, Babak Falsafi, Sasa Misailovic, Adrian Sampson, Damien Zufferey
ACM CSUR — ACM Computing Surveys Journal, Submitted June 2018, To Appear 2020 (arXiv)
Programming Unreliable Hardware
Michael Carbin and Sasa Misailovic
Foundations of Probabilistic Programming (Invited Book Chapter)
Cambridge University Press, To Appear 2020.
The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Small, Trainable Neural Networks
Jonathan Frankle and Michael Carbin
ICLR '19 (Best Paper Award) — International Conference on Learning Representations (arXiv)
Sound and Robust Solid Modelling via Exact Real Arithmetic and Continuity
Benjamin Sherman, Jesse Michel, and Michael Carbin
ICFP '19 (Distinguished Paper Award) — International Conference on Functional Programming
Ithemal: Accurate, Portable, and Fast Basic Block Throughput Estimation using Deep Neural Networks
Charith Mendis, Alex Renda, Saman Amarasinghe, and Michael Carbin
MLSys @ ISCA '19 (Best Paper Award) — Workshop on Machine Learning for Systems, co-located with ISCA
ICML '19 — International Conference on Machine Learning (arXiv)
Compiler Auto-Vectorization using Imitation Learning
Charith Mendis, Cambridge Yang, Yewen Pu, Saman Amarasinghe, and Michael Carbin
NeurIPS '19 — Neural Information Processing Systems
BHive: A Benchmark Suite For Validating x86-64 Performance Models
Yishen Chen, Ajay Brahmakshatriya, Charith Mendis, Alex Renda, Eric Atkinson, Ondrej Sykora, Saman Amarasinghe, and Michael Carbin
IISWC '19 — International Symposium on Workload Characterization
Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler for Dense and Sparse Deep Learning
Riyadh Baghdadi, Fatima Zohra Benhamid, Alex Renda, Jonathan Frankle, Michael Carbin, and Saman Amarasinghe
NeurIPS Workshop on Systems for ML, 2019
Mode Connectivity and Sparse Neural Networks.
Jonathan Frankle, Gintare Karolina Dziugaite, Daniel M. Roy, Michael Carbin
SEDL '19 — NeurIPS Workshop on Science meets Engineering of Deep Learning, 2019
Noise-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Programs
Jesse Michel, Sahil Verma, Benjamin Sherman, and Michael Carbin
WAX '19 — Workshop on Approximate Computing, co-located with PLDI
Overparameterization: A Connection Between Software 1.0 and Software 2.0
Michael Carbin
SNAPL '19 — Summit on Advances in Programming Languages
Leto: Verifying Application-Specific Fault Tolerance via First-Class Execution Models
Brett Boston, Zoe Gong, and Michael Carbin
OOPSLA '18 — Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (draft)
Computable decision-making on the reals and other spaces via partiality and nondeterminism
Benjamin Sherman, Luke Sciarappa, Adam Chlipala, and Michael Carbin
LICS '18 — Logic in Computer Science
Constructive probabilistic semantics with non-spatial locales
Benjamin Sherman, Jared Tramontano, and Michael Carbin
PPS '18 — Probabilistic Program Semantics (paper)
Optimizing Convolutional Neural Networks for Multicores for Scalability, Performance, and Goodput
Samyam Rajbhandari, Yuxiong He, Olatunji Ruwase, Michael Carbin, and Trishul Chilimbi
ASPLOS '17 — Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
Towards Correct-by-Construction Probabilistic Inference
Eric Atkinson and Michael Carbin
NIPS MLS '16 — NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning Systems.
Verifying Quantitative Reliability for Programs that Execute on Unreliable Hardware
Michael Carbin, Sasa Misailovic, and Martin C. Rinard
CACM Research Highlight '16 — Communications of the ACM
Chisel: Reliability- and Accuracy-Aware Optimization of Approximate Computational Kernels
Sasa Misailovic, Michael Carbin, Sara Achour, Zichao Qi, and Martin C. Rinard
OOPSLA '14 (Best Paper Award) — Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications.
Verifying Quantitative Reliability for Programs that Execute on Unreliable Hardware
Michael Carbin, Sasa Misailovic, and Martin C. Rinard
OOPSLA '13 (Best Paper Award) — Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications.
Paper Slides
Press: Slashdot MITNews
Verified Integrity Properties for Safe Approximate Program Transformations
Michael Carbin, Deokhwan Kim, Sasa Misailovic, and Martin C. Rinard
PEPM '13 — Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation, co-located with POPL
(Relative) Safety Properties for Relaxed Appproximate Programs
Michael Carbin and Martin C. Rinard
RACES '12 — Relaxing Synchronization for Multicore and Manycore Scalability,
co-located with OOPSLA
Cryptographic Path Hardening: Hiding Vulnerabilities in Software using Cryptography
Vijay Ganesh, Michael Carbin, and Martin C. Rinard
OBT '12 — Off the Beaten Track, co-located with POPL
Bolt: On-Demand Infinite Loop Escape in Unmodified Binaries
Michael Kling, Sasa Misailovic, Michael Carbin, and Martin C. Rinard
OOPSLA '12 — Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
Paper Slides
Proving Acceptability Properties of Relaxed Nondeterministic Approximate Programs
Michael Carbin, Deokhwan Kim, Sasa Misailovic, and Martin C. Rinard
PLDI '12 — Programming Language Design and Implementation
Paper Slides
Automatic Input Rectification
Fan Long, Vijay Ganesh, Michael Carbin, Stelios Sidirolgou, and Martin C. Rinard
ICSE '12 — International Conference on Software Engineering
Detecting and Escaping Infinite Loops with Jolt
Michael Carbin, Sasa Misailovic, Michael Kling, and Martin C. Rinard
ECOOP '11 — European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Paper Appendix Slides
Press: Slashdot Ars Technica MIT News
Dynamic Knobs for Power-Aware Computing
Henry Hoffman, Stelios Sidiroglou, Michael Carbin, Sasa Misailovic,
Anant Agarwal, and Martin Rinard
ASPLOS '11 — Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
Automatically Identifying Critical Input Regions and Code Regions in Applications
Michael Carbin and Martin C. Rinard
ISSTA '10 — International Symposium of Software Testing And Analysis
Automatically Patching Errors in Deployed Software
Jeff H. Perkins, Sunghun Kim, Sam Larsen, Saman Amarasinghe, Jonathan Bachrach, Michael Carbin, Carlos Pacheco, Frank Sherwood, Stelios Sidiroglou, Greg Sullivan, Weng-Fai Wong, Yoav Zibin, Michael D. Ernst and Martin C. Rinard
SOSP '09 — Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
Press: Slashdot MIT News MIT Technology Review
Transactional Collection Classes
Brian D. Carlstrom, Austen McDonald, Michael Carbin, Christos Kozyrakis, and Kunle Olukotun
PPoPP '07 — Principles and Practice of Parallel Computing
Reflective Program Generation with Patterns
Manuel Fähndrich, Michael Carbin, James R. Larus
GPCE '06 — Generative Programming and Component Engineering
Using Datalog with Binary Decision Diagrams for Program Analysis
John Whaley, Dzintars Avots, Michael Carbin, Monica S. Lam
APLAS '05 — Asian Symposium Programming Languages and Systems 2005
Context-Sensitive Program Analysis as Database Queries
Monica S. Lam, John Whaley, V, Benjamin Livshits, Michael Martin, Dzintars Avots,
Michael Carbin, and Christopher Unkel
PODS '05 — Principles of Database Systems (Invited paper)
Theses and Technical Reports
Reasoning about Relaxed Programs
Michael Carbin, Deokwan Kim, Sasa Misailovic, Martin C. Rinard
Technical Report, MIT-CSAIL-TR-2011-050
Power-Aware Computing with Dynamic Knobs
Henry Hoffmann, Stelios Sidiroglou, Michael Carbin,
Sasa Misailovic, Anant Agarwal, and Martin Rinard
Tehcnical Report, MIT-CSAIL-TR-2010-027
Learning Effective BDD Variable Orders for BDD-Based Program Analysis
Michael Carbin
Stanford University Undergraduate Honors Thesis, May 2006
Configuration of Isolated Extensions and Device Drivers
Galen C. Hunt, James R. Larus, Manuel A. Fanndrich, Orion Hodson, David R. Tarditi, Michael Spear, Michael Carbin, Steven P. Levi, Bjarne Steensgaard
U.S. Patent Number 8,074,231. Filed: June 30, 2006. Issued: December 6, 2011
Bypass Virtualization
Thomas Joseph Purtell, Won Chun, Michael Carbin
U.S. Patent Number 8,065,687. Filed: Jan 7, 2008. Issued November 22, 2011
: mcarbin@csail.mit.edu
: Michael Carbin, MIT CSAIL, 77 Massachusetts Ave, 32-G782
Cambridge, MA 02139
: Office : (617) 253-5881