Michael H. Coen
Postdoctoral Associate
mhcoen @ csail.mit.edu
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab
32 Vassar Street, 32-G478
(617) 258-7621
Cambridge, MA 02139
Ph.D., Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May
Received MIT's George M. Sprowls Award for best doctoral thesis in
computer science.
Dissertation: Multimodal Dynamics:
Self-Supervised Learning in Perceptual and Motor Systems
Advisors: Prof. Whitman Richards (Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences)
and Dr. Howard Shrobe (EECS)
Committee Members: Prof. Rodney Brooks, Dr. James Glass, Prof. Eric
My S.M.
and S.B. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science are also
from MIT.
I went to the wonderful Stuyvesant High School in NYC.
Areas of
special interest:
Self-supervised machine learning. Biologically-inspired computation.
Unsupervised segmentation of fMRI data. Data prediction and
Research Statement
Full CV available upon request.
Selected Publications:
Michael Coen
et al. Unsupervised Segmentation of the
Fusiform Face Area. In preparation. 2007.
Michael Coen. A statistical basis for concept formation.
In preparation. 2007.
Michael Coen.
Learning to sing like a bird: An architecture for
self-supervised sensorimotor learning. To appear in
Proceedings of the Twenty Second National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'07). Vancouver,
British Columbia.
2007. (PDF)
Michael Coen. Multimodal Dynamics: Self-Supervised Learning in
Perceptual and Motor Systems. Ph.D. Dissertation.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 2006. (PDF)
Michael Coen. Self-Supervised Acquisition of Vowels in
American English. In Proceedings of the Twenty First National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'06). Boston, MA.
2006. (PDF)
Michael Coen. Cross-Modal Clustering. In
Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI'05), pp. 932-937. Pittsburgh, PA. 2005.
Michael Coen. Multimodal Integration – A
Biological View. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'01), pp.
1417-1424. Seattle, WA, 2001.
Michael Coen. Issues in
Intersensory Perception for Interactive Systems. In
Proceedings of the Workshop on Developmental Embodied Cognition
(DECO-2001) at
the 23rd Annual Meeting of the
Cognitive Science Society.
Edinburg, Scotland. 2001
Michael Coen. Non-Deterministic
Social Laws. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'2000), pp. 15-21.
Austin, Texas. 2000. (PDF)
(Note: I worked on Wall Street from January 2000 through May 2004.
I returned to MIT in January 2005.)
Michael Coen, Brenton Phillips, Nimrod Warshawsky,
Luke Weisman, Stephen Peters, and Peter Finin. Meeting the
Computational Needs of Intelligent Environments: The Metaglue
System. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on
Managing Interactions in Smart Environments (MANSE'99), pp.
201-212. Dublin, Ireland. 1999. (PDF)
Michael Coen, Luke Weisman, Kavita Thomas, Marion
Groh, and Krzysztof Gajos. A Context Sensitive Natural
Language Modality for an Intelligent Room. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Managing
Interactions in Smart Environments (MANSE'99), pp. 201-212.
Dublin, Ireland. 1999. (PDF)
Michael Coen and Kevin Wilson Learning Spatial Event
Models from Multiple-Camera Perspectives. Invited Paper. In Proceedings of The 25th Annual Conference of the IEEE (IECON’99).
San Jose, CA. 1999.
Michael Coen. The Future of Human-Computer
Interaction, or How I learned to stop worrying and love my
Intelligent Room. IEEE Intelligent Systems, pp. 8-10.
March/April 1999. (PDF)
Michael Coen. Design Principles for Intelligent
Environments. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'98), pp. 547-554. Madison, WI,
1998. (PDF)
Michael Coen (Ed.).
Proceedings of the 1998 AAAI Spring Symposium on Intelligent
Environments. American Association for Artificial Intelligence
TR-SS-98- 02. 1998.
Nancy Green, Jennifer Chu-Carroll, David Kortenkamp,
Alan Schultz, Michael H. Coen, Dragomir R. Radev, Eduard H. Hovy,
Peter Haddawy, Steve Hanks, Eugene C. Freuder, Charlie Ortiz, and
Sandip Sen: The AAAI Spring Symposia. AI Magazine 20(3):
83-86 (1999)
Michael Coen: A Prototype Intelligent Environment. In
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Cooperative
Buildings, Integrating Information, Organization, and Architecture.
Darmstadt, Germany, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1370, pp.
41-52. Springer 1998.
Michael Coen. Building Brains for Rooms: Designing
Distributed Software Agents. In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual
Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence
(IAAI'97), pp. 971-977. Providence, RI. 1997. (PDF)
Henry Kautz, Bart Selman, Michael Coen, Steven
Ketchpel, and Chris Ramming. An Experiment in the Design of
Software Agents. Readings in Agents. Michael Huhns and
Muindar Singh (Eds). Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA. 1997.
Michael Coen. Towards Interactive Environments:
The Intelligent Room. In Proceedings of the 1997 Conference on Human Computer Interaction
(HCI'97). Bristol, U.K. 1997.
Michael Coen. SodaBot: A Software Agent
Environment and Construction System. MIT AI Lab Technical Report
1493. 1994.
Henry Kautz, Bart Selman, Michael Coen, and Steven
Ketchpel. An Experiment in the Design of Software Agents. In Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI-94), pp. 438-443. Seattle, WA, 1994.
Henry A. Kautz, Bart Selman, Michael H. Coen:
Bottom-Up Design of Software Agents. Communications of the ACM,
37(7): 143-146 (1994)
Ancient Media Coverage:
Documentary on the
Intelligent Room.
CNN. Multiple airings, January 2002.
A History of the
PBS. Multiple airings, Summer 2001.
2001: A Space
CNN Headline News. December 27, 2001.
2001 then and now.
USA Today. December 29, 2000.
Phoning the Future.
The NewsHour with Jim Leher. PBS. August 30, 1999.
NBC Nightly News.
November 1, 1999.
Future Perfect.
Washington Post, October 10, 1999.
Boston Globe, May 6, 1999.
The walls have
eyes - and ears and ...
Boston Globe, July 20, 1998.
Room with a clue.
Sunday Mail (Australia), April 19, 1998
Spot the Computer.
The Guardian. March 12, 1988.
New York Times Sunday
Magazine. September 28, 1997