Mina Konaković Luković

Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Principal Investigator
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
Leading Algorithmic Design Group

Find my CV here.
E-mail: minakl [at] mit [dot] edu
Address: The Stata Center, Building 32-D458, 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA


I am an Assistant Professor at MIT, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. My research focuses on computer graphics, computational fabrication, 3D geometry processing and machine learning, including architectural geometry and design of smart materials. I was a Schmidt Science Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT CSAIL working in the Computational Fabrication Group mentored by Prof. Dr. Wojciech Matusik. I completed my PhD in Computer Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), advised by Prof. Dr. Mark Pauly. Parts of my PhD research were supported by the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication (dfab). I received my MS and BS both from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics.



Accelerated Discovery of 3D Printing Materials Using Data-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization

T. Erps*, M. Foshey*, M. Konaković Luković, W. Shou, H. H. Goetzke, H. Dietsch, K. Stoll, B. von Vacano, W. Matusik
Science Advances 2021
Paper | Webpage

AutoOED: Automated Optimal Experiment Design Platform

Yunsheng Tian, Mina Konaković Luković, Timothy Erps, Michael Foshey, Wojciech Matusik
arXiv 2021
Paper | Webpage | Code

Diversity-Guided Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization With Batch Evaluations

Mina Konaković Luković*, Yunsheng Tian*, Wojciech Matusik
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2020
Paper | Webpage | Video | Code

RoboGrammar: Graph Grammar for Terrain-Optimized Robot Design

Allan Zhao, Jie Xu, Mina Konaković-Luković, Josephine Hughes, Andrew Spielberg, Daniela Rus, Wojciech Matusik
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia) 2020
Paper | Webpage | Video | Code

Computational Design of Auxetic Shells

Mina Konaković Luković
Mark Pauly (Dir.)
EPFL PhD Thesis No. 9662
Thesis | Webpage

X-Shells: A New Class of Deployable Beam Structures

Julian Panetta, Mina Konaković-Luković, Florin Isvoranu, Etienne Bouleau, Mark Pauly
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH) 2019
Paper | Webpage | Code

Computational Design of Deployable Auxetic Shells

Mina Konaković-Luković, Pavle Konaković, Mark Pauly
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2018
Paper | Webpage

Rapid Deployment of Curved Surfaces via Programmable Auxetics

Mina Konaković-Luković, Julian Panetta, Keenan Crane, Mark Pauly
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH) 2018
Paper | Webpage | Video

Double-layered Timber Plate Shell

Christopher Robeller, Mina Konaković, Mira Dedijer, Mark Pauly, Yves Weinand
International Journal of Space Structures 2017

A Double-layered Timber Plate Shell:
Computational Methods for Assembly, Prefabrication and Structural Design

Christopher Robeller, Mina Konaković, Mira Dedijer, Mark Pauly, Yves Weinand
Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016
Paper | Webpage

Beyond Developable:
Computational Design and Fabrication with Auxetic Materials

Mina Konaković, Keenan Crane, Bailing Deng, Sofien Bouaziz, Daniel Piker, Mark Pauly
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH) 2016
Paper | Webpage | Video