User Votes by Image |
The following histograms summarize the collected user answers for images which participated in the study. Click on the image name below the figures to see the original image and its retargeting results.
Analysis imagesThe following figures were calculated over fully completed experiments on the 37 images selected for the analysis in the paper. For each image, the histogram shows the number of times each result was favored over some other result. Our balanced experiment design used 7 judges, each result was shown to each judge 3 times exactly, and 3 fully completed experiments were collected for each image. The maximal number of possible votes for a result is the total number of times it was shown, which is therefore 7x3x3=63. I.e. a result which collected 63 votes was preferred over any other result by all users. The maximal score was 57 achieved by CR for the DKNYgirl image. |
All user study imagesThe following figures were calculated over fully completed experiments on all images on which we have collected data. The y axis corresponds to the percentage of votes relative to the total number of times each result was shown on screen. |