
Current Projects @ MIT
RodentStore, a declarative, adaptive storage system (MIT & SAP Research project) [CIDR paper].
SciDB, an array-based database system for large-scale scientific experiments (MIT, SLAC, Brown, Portland State U., Stanford, U. Wisconsin & Microsoft project) [website] [VLDB Demo].
TrajStore, an adaptive system for handling very large trajectory data sets (MIT project) [ICDE paper] [VLDB demo].
idMesh, a system to disambiguate online, interlinked entities (MIT, EPFL, U. Passau project) [WWW paper] [GridVine website]
Former Projects @ EPFL
GridVine, an infrastructure for peer information management (EPFL project).
NCCR-MICS, Mobile Information and Communication Systems (large-scale, long-term Swiss NSF project).
NEPOMUK, the Social Semantic Desktop (EU IP project).
P-Grid, a decentralized, peer-to-peer information system (EPFL project).
KnowledgeWeb, realizing the Semantic Web (EU Network of Excellence).
©2008-2009 Philippe Cudré-Mauroux. Last update: Thu, Nov 19, 2009 |