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517: Mainline

Once you have moved the next line into the input_buffer array, you can, if you want, treat input_buffer as a source of characters in place of your keyboard or a file. The appropriate function is sscanf, for string scan formatted. The sscanf function is just like the scanf function, except that there is an extra argument that identifies the character string to be read from.

Suppose, for example, that your input data may include occasional comments, marked by semicolons, as in the following example:

F-BLD    3.3  300               ; Merger likely  
T-GG     2.5  400 
AX-FLY   9.9  100 
AB-CH11 10.1  100               ; Court action imminent  
C-IBM    5.0  200 

Once you have moved a line of text into the input_buffer array, you can use sscanf to pick up the description, price, and number of shares traded, placing the description in another buffer named description_buffer:

sscanf (input_buffer "%s%lf%i", description_buffer, &price, &number); 

Thus, the description, price, and number of shares traded are read from the input buffer; the remaining comment, if any, is ignored.