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535: Mainline

At this point, you have seen many examples in which C's display function, printf, displays strings and numbers. Unfortunately, the report printed by the most recent version of analyze_trades is ragged looking:

Food BLD 3.300000 300 990.000000 
Trucking GG 2.500000 400 1000.000000 
Airline FLY 9.900000 100 989.999939 
Airline CH11 10.100000 100 1010.000061 
Computers IBM 5.000000 200 1000.000000 

You would rather have the report look like this:

Food        BLD   3.3    300       990 
Trucking     GG   2.5    400      1000 
Airline     FLY   9.9    100       990 
Airline    CH11  10.1    100      1010 
Computers   IBM   5.0    200      1000