In the following example, the definition of the
function appears in a complete program:
#include/* Define doubling_time first */ /**/ double doubling_time (double r) { /**/ return 72.0 / r; /**/ } /**/ main ( ) { double r = 5.0; printf ("Your money doubles in about %f years at %f percent.\n", doubling_time (4.0), 4.0); printf ("Your money doubles in about %f years at %f percent.\n", doubling_time (r), r); printf ("Your money doubles in about %f years at %f percent.\n", doubling_time (r + 1.0), r + 1.0); } --- Result --- Your money doubles in about 18.000000 years at 4.000000 percent. Your money doubles in about 14.400000 years at 5.000000 percent. Your money doubles in about 12.000000 years at 6.000000 percent.