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1024: Mainline

With RatingServerInterface defined in Segment 1022, and MovieInterface defined in Segment 1021, you can make the following changes in the evolving RatingServer and ClientStub classes. Note that both a parameter and a variable are typed by interface names, rather than by class names:

import java.rmi.*;
public class RatingServer implements RatingServerInterface {         
 public int serverRating (MovieInterface m) throws RemoteException { 
  System.out.println("RatingServer asked for a rating"); 
  int s = m.getScript(); 
  int a = m.getActing(); 
  int d = m.getDirection(); 
  return 3 * Math.max(Math.max(s, a), d); 

import java.rmi.*;
import java.math.*;
public class ClientStub {
 public static void main(String args[]) throws RemoteException {
  // Construct a movie for testing
  Movie movie = new Movie(2, 3, 8, "Psycho");
  // Construct a rating server for testing
  RatingServerInterface ratingServer = new RatingServer();          
  // Test and print 
  int rating = ratingServer.serverRating(movie); 
  System.out.println("The server returned " + rating); 