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1025: Mainline

You need to do more work to prepare the RatingServer for remote method invocation. For example, RatingServer must extend UnicastRemoteObject, rather than extending Object, because the constructors and methods of UnicastRemoteObject perform all sorts of wizardry that enable remote activation. RatingServer must also implement the Serializable interface.

Also, you now must define a zero-argument constructor that calls the zero-argument UnicastRemoteObject constructor and throws the RemoteException exception.

The definition is required because the zero-argument constructor in UnicastRemoteObject happens to throw the RemoteException exception.

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
public class RatingServer extends UnicastRemoteObject           
       implements RatingServerInterface, Serializable {         
 public RatingServer () throws RemoteException {                
 public int serverRating (MovieInterface m) throws RemoteException {  
  System.out.println("RatingServer asked for a rating"); 
  int s = m.getScript(); 
  int a = m.getActing(); 
  int d = m.getDirection(); 
  return 3 * Math.max(Math.max(s, a), d); 