Step 2: slap some casters on that sumbich
Step 3:

Seriously though --- I've struggled with tingling limbs and back aches for years. I've tried standing desks, an array of chairs, keyboards, mice, wrist guards, stretches ...
But this setup, a mildly reclined La-Z-Boy with a keyboard on my lap, has been the best arrangement for mitigating pesky RSI symptoms. The problem with using a La-Z-Boy is that it doesn't move very easily, making it awkward to slide into a desk-working orientation. That friction often made me prefer a more roll-able chair.
So one night I grabbed a scrap piece of plywood, threw some casters on it, and used some L-brackets to hold the chair in place. That 30-minute construction hack turned the La-Z-Boy into the ultimate La-Z-Pro-gramming chair.
One caveat - the La-Z-Bro is great when you're getting down to work, but it's not great for quick tasks. If I only need to sit down for 2 minutes to write an email, I tend to sit on the front edge of the chair and it rocks downwards. So I keep a normal office chair around for bite-sized tasks.