Linked List Reversal
In the storyboard
programming framework, the user describes
the desired data structure manipulation by
providing a Storyboard, i.e. a set of pairs of
abstract input-output examples as shown in the
figure below. Each of these input-output pairs
are called a scenario, and they are abstract
because in addition to concrete nodes, they can
also contain summary nodes.
The figure presents an intuitive visualization
of the input and output configurations
describing the list
reversal. Notice that instead of showing a
concrete list of a particular size, the scenario
uses a summary node mid to represent the middle
part of the list, which may vary in size for
different runs of the algorithm. Out of all the
nodes in the sublist represented by mid, the
first and last node deserve special attention
because other nodes outside the set mid are
going to be pointing to them. We call these
special nodes attachment points of the summary
The left part of the figure presents the text
notation actually used by our system to describe
Scenario 1 on the right; the visualization on
the right is generated from this description.
The storyboard consists of an environment
description followed by a sequence of scenario
descriptions. The environment description
defines the set of variables used in the
implementation, the set of fields in the objects
that make up the data structure (which are
called selectors in the shape analysis
literature), and the set of concrete and summary
locations. In the list reverse example, the
storyboard defines an environment with four
program variables head, temp1, temp2 and temp3,
one selector corresponding to the field next
which points from a Node to another Node, and
six concrete locations a, f, e, b, f' and e'.
The concrete locations f and e represent the
front and end attachment points of the summary
node mid. Similarly, the concrete locations f'
and e' represent the attachment points for the
summary node mid', where mid' represents the set
of nodes whose next pointers have been reversed.
A scenario description defines the state
configuration for the input and output states.
Each state configuration is comprised of a set
of variable predicates, selector predicates and
data constraint predicates. The variable
predicates of the form var = loc denote that
variable var points to location loc. The
selector predicates of the form loc1.sel = loc2
denote that the field sel of location loc1
points to location loc2; we denote such
predicates as sel(loc1, loc2) borrowing the
notation from shape analysis. The state
configuration can also define additional
constraints involving the data values of the
locations using the data constraint predicates.
The scenario 1 in the figure uses a summary node
to convey that the algorithm should work the
same way regardless of how long the list is.
However, in the case of linked list reversal,
one cannot reason about the algorithm without
knowing something about the structure of the set
of nodes represented by the summary node mid. In
the storyboard language, this structure is
conveyed through fold and unfold predicates as
shown in the figure below; the graphical
visualization of these predicates is illustrated
towards the right. These rules describe the
recursive structure of the summary nodes in
terms of their attachment points. For example,
the unfold rule shows two alternatives for the
summary node mid: either the attachment points f
and e are actually the same node x, and this is
the only node in mid, or alternatively f is a
node x whose next pointer points to the
attachment point f of another mid node. For this
example, fold is really just an inverse of
unfold and could easily be derived
Control Flow Skeleton
In addition to the fold and unfold, the
framework also requires a skeleton of the
looping structure of the desired program as
shown in controlflowlinklistreversal. The
structure says that the implementation should
contain one while loop with some blocks of code
before and after it, in addition to the block of
code inside. The code produced by the
synthesizer will have each of these blocks
replaced by a series of conditional assignment
statements. The challenge is to derive the
assignments that will lead the resulting code to
satisfy the storyboard.
---------- while(-----) { ---------- } ----------
Synthesized Implementation
The implementation synthesized by the framework for the linked list reverse example is shown below.
Node llReverse(Node head){
Node temp1 = null, temp2 =null; Node temp3 = null; temp1 = head;
while(temp1 != null){ // unfold temp1; head = temp1; temp1 =; = head; = temp3; temp3 = head; // fold head; } }