Larry Rudolph's Random, Disorganized Evolving Home Page My real official home page is here.

Yes, I know it is important to have a nice, up-to-date web site. It is important because many people will check out my web site before coming to me directly. In this day and age, form may be more important than content. We must all sell ourselves. So, I have some nice home page that my assistant, Todd, produced. It is way out-of-date and I do not feel like finding the tool he used to create pages. So, I am doing this stuff myself, in a less flashy but better content way.

I last updated this page on May 19, 2002. (I know I will not keep it up-to-date)

But there is a lot of information and other stuff that I would like to have accessible via the web. I am happy to share this information with the world, provided that the world understands that it is, as yet, unorganized.

So proceed at your own risk.

My Quotes

``I see,'' said the blind man; ``I hear,'' said the deaf woman; ``I understand,'' said the student (or computer).

Pervasive computing promises to replace the frustration of
not being able to get computers to do what we want them to do
with the frustration of
not being able to get computers to stop doing what we don't want them to do.

Pervasive Computing Stuff

Larry's Nightmare Scenario -- A call for User-level programming and debugging Many pervasive computing papers and research efforts are driven by some hypothetical scenario of the future. I would be remiss without one. Here is my (nightmare) scenario.

Last semester, fall 2001, I gave a course at MIT in pervasive computing 6.964, It was great fun and I have a lot to say about the experience. This will be added shortly, so check back. I hope to offer it again. If you want to find some information on the technologies used in that class, check out the course wiki.

There is a great web site that has lots of links and info related to pervasive / ubiquitous / next generation computing. I have some affiliation with this site, although it is not my site, but you can flame at me, if you disagree with something there.

I am coordinating the 2nd Annual MIT LCS/AIL Student Oxygen Workshop SOW. Follow that link for information about the 1st annual SOW as well.

Some recent M-Eng thesis related to Oxygen (May 2002). The Communication's Oriented Routing Environment (CORE) is described in the following two thesis. A thesis by Brendan Kao talks about the need for CORE, the problems with client-server for pervasive computing, and how to get Java RMI to work on top of it (among other things). Another thesis, this one by Orlando Leon, describes CORE in detail in the appendix, but mostly addresses how to integrate blue-tooth protocol into CORE. A thesis by Amay describes a way to capture pen-and-pencil strokes. And a thesis by Shalini Agarwal describes how to extend the SLS Galaxy speech system to include T9 input.

Started to get interested in interactive, information kiosk's that easily interact with cell phones: Oxygen Kiosk Project

Parallel Job Scheduling

I am on the programming committee for Europar 2002
And for the 8th time am co-organizer of Workshops on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing . This year, the workshop is held in conjunction with HPDC11/GCF5
This summer, along with a few students we will be putting together a computer from a collection of old computers. This will serve as an emulation platform for, what I believe will be the future supercomputers.

Computer Architecture

We have been investigating microprocessor caches. There are several research items that are nearly done, but have not yet been formally written up.


I was part of the MIT-Singapore Alliance (SMA) but it ended in 2006. I teach a course at MIT in pervasive, mobile computing. It was called 6.964, but in 2006 and in 2007 it was and will be: 6.883 . The best place is on the open course ware link

Some comments about my pet peeves concerning writing style can be found Writing Comments.

Other stuff and flames
========================================================= Note:

I am not Britney Spears' manager, although we share the same name. I do not know him nor his email; please do not ask me about her. Besides, he is no longer her manager. I used to think it annoying to get requests about auditions and invitations to perform but now I smile when I think about the other Larry Rudolph getting requests about "high performance", caching", "kiosks", "algorithms" and"checkpointing" :).

October 10, 2004 Britney Spears has split with manager Larry Rudolph, who has helped guide her career since she was 13. reference

October 2004 The week of Oct. 4, she parted ways with longtime business manager Larry Rudolph Britney's rep Zelnik also reports that "Britney does not have a new manager as of yet -- she'll take each day as it comes," adding the performer hasn't set a timeline for hiring a new one. gossip link