Array_2D< T, A > | Class representing a 2D array |
Array_3D< T, A > | Class representing a 3D array |
Basic_color< RGB_converter > | |
Bilateral_filter< Space_weight_function, Data_weight_function > | |
Black_or_white< Color > | Function object that returns black (false) or white (true) according to the parameter |
Channel_image< N, Real, Channel_meaning > | |
Color_to_grey< Color, Grey > | Function object that converts a color in a grey level |
Geometry::Compare_coordinate< Vector, N > | < on the Nth coordinate |
Gaussian_space_weight | |
Grey_level_color< Real > | |
Grey_to_color< Grey, Color > | Function object. Inverse of Color_to_grey |
HSV_color< Real > | |
Geometry::Hvec2< Real > | Represents a vector of dimension 2 with Real homogeneous coordinates |
Geometry::Hvec3< Real > | Represents a vector of dimension 3 with Real homogeneous coordinates |
Luv_color< Real > | |
Geometry::Matrix< N_row, N_col, Real > | |
RGB_channel_image< Real > | |
RGB_color< Real > | |
RGB_converter_to_grey_level< Real > | Class to create a grey level "color" |
RGB_converter_to_HSV< Real > | Class to create a HSV color |
RGB_converter_to_Luv< Real > | Class to create a Luv color |
RGB_converter_to_RGB< Real > | Class to create a RGB color |
RGB_converter_to_XYZ< Real > | Class to create a XYZ color |
Geometry::Square_matrix< N, Real > | |
Geometry::Vec< N, Real > | |
Geometry::Vec2< Real > | Represents a vector of dimension 2 with Real coordinates |
Geometry::Vec3< Real > | Represents a vector of dimension 3 with Real coordinates |
XYZ_color< Real > | |