| Racing Bib Number Recognition | | | Idan Ben-Ami Tali
Shai Avidan | | | Abstract We
propose an automatic system for racing bib number (RBN)
recognition in natural image collections covering running races
such as marathons. An RBN is typically a piece of durable paper or
cardboard bearing a number as well as the event/sponsor logo. The RBN,
usually pinned onto the competitor’s shirt, is used to identify
the competitor among thousands of others during the race.
Our system receives a set of natural images taken in running sport
events and outputs the participants’ RBNs. Today, RBN
identification is often done manually, a process made difficult by
the sheer number of available photos. This specific application can be
studied in the wider context of detecting and recognizing text in
natural images of unstructured scenes. Existing methods that fall into
this category fail to reliably recognize RBNs, due to the
large variability in their appearance, size, and
the deformations they undergo. By using the knowledge that
the RBN is located on a person’s body, our dedicated
system overcomes these challenges and can be applied without any
adjustments to images of various running races taken by
professional as well as amateur photographers. First, we use a
face detector to generate hypotheses regarding the RBN location
and scale. We then adapt the stroke width transform (SWT) to detect the
location of the tag, which is then processed and fed to a standard
optical character recognition (OCR) engine. We evaluate
the contributions of each component of our system, and compare its
performance to state-of-the-art text detection methods, as well as to a
commercially available, state-of-the-art license plate recognition
(LPR) system, on three newly collected datasets.
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Paper [BMVC'12] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| | | Code [RBNR v0.1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Data
Contains 217
color images and ground truth RBNs per image divided into three sets,
each taken from a different race. If you use these
datasets in any
publication, please refer to our paper. | |
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