Near-Tight Algorithms for the Chamberlin-Courant and Thiele Voting Rules,
Krzysztof Sornat, V. Vassilevska Williams and Yinzhan Xu.
| IJCAI 2022
| [arXiv]
Fine-Grained Complexity and Algorithms for the Schulze Voting Method,
Krzystof Sornat, V. Vassilevska Williams, and Yinzhan Xu.
| EC 2021
| [arXiv]
Bribery in Balanced Knockout Tournaments,
Christine Konicki and V. Vassilevska Williams.
| AAMAS 2019
| [AAMAS version]
Parameterized Complexity of Group Activity Selection,
Haden Lee and V. Vassilevska Williams.
| AAMAS 2017
| [AAMAS version]
Complexity of the Stable Invitations Problem,
Haden Lee and V. Vassilevska Williams.
| AAAI 2017
| [AAAI version]
Who Can Win a Single-Elimination Tournament?,
Michael P. Kim, Warut Suksompong and V. Vassilevska Williams.
| AAAI 2016
| [pdf]
Fixing tournaments for kings, chokers and more
, Michael P. Kim and V. Vassilevska Williams.
| IJCAI 2015
| [pdf]
The Structure and Efficacy of
Double-Elimination Tournaments, Isabelle Stanton and V. Vassilevska Williams.
| Journal of Quantitative Analysis of Sports, accepted, 2013
| to come
Manipulating Stochastically Generated
Single-Elimination Tournaments for Nearly All
Players, Isabelle Stanton and V. Vassilevska Williams.
| WINE 2011
| [pdf]
Manipulating single-elimination tournaments in the Braverman-Mossel model, Isabelle Stanton and V. Vassilevska Williams.
| IJCAI 2011 Workshop on Social Choice and AI
| to come
Rigging tournament brackets for weaker players, Isabelle Stanton and V. Vassilevska Williams.
| IJCAI 2011
Preliminary version in Computational Social Science and the Wisdom of Crowds (NIPS 2010).
| [pdf]
Fixing a tournament, V. Vassilevska Williams.
| AAAI 2010
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