Yuka Ikarashi (五十嵐祐花)

Yuka Ikarashi (née Takahashi) is a PhD candidate at MIT CSAIL, advised by Jonathan Ragan-Kelley. I also work closely with Gilbert Bernstein.

I received a Master of Science (S.M.) in Computer Science in 2022 from MIT. Previously, I received a Bachelor of Science in Information Science in 2020 from the University of Tokyo, where I worked with Takeo Igarashi and Tsukasa Fukusato.

[CV] (Last update: August 2024)

E-mail (MIT): yuka at csail.mit.edu
Google Scholar

Office address:
32 Vassar St.
Cambridge, MA 02139


at Stata (2021)

I'm interested in creating compiler systems and programming languages for real-world applications.



UFO Instruction Graphs Are Machine Knittable
Jenny Lin, Yuka Ikarashi, Gilbert Bernstein, Jim McCann
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 (journal)

Tackling the Matrix Multiplication Micro-kernel Generation with Exo
Adrián Castelló, Julian Bellavita, Grace Dinh, Yuka Ikarashi, Héctor Martínez
CGO 2024

knitout semantics Semantics and Scheduling for Machine Knitting Compilers
Jenny Lin, Vidya Narayanan, Yuka Ikarashi, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Gilbert Bernstein, Jim McCann
SIGGRAPH 2023 (journal)
[project page]

Exo programming language Exocompilation for Productive Programming of Hardware Accelerators
Yuka Ikarashi*, Gilbert Louis Bernstein*, Alex Reinking, Hasan Genc, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley (*Equal contributions)
PLDI 2022
[project page] [ACM DL] [MIT News] [Full pdf]

Roly-poly Scheduling Tool Guided Optimization for Image Processing Pipelines
Yuka Takahashi, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Tsukasa Fukusato, Jun Kato, Takeo Igarashi
VL/HCC 2021 short paper. Best Short Paper Award.
[IEEE](short version) [arxiv](long version)

PaintersView PaintersView: Automatic Suggestion of Optimal Viewpoints for 3D Texture Painting
Yuka Takahashi, Tsukasa Fukusato, Takeo Igarashi
SIGGRAPH ASIA 2019 technical brief
[project page] [doi] [full html]

Migrating large codebases to C++ Modules
Yuka Takahashi, Oksana Shadura, Vassil Vassilev
19th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT 2019), March 2019, Saas-Fee.
[doi] [slides]

Optimizing Frameworks Performance Using C++ Modules Aware ROOT
Yuka Takahashi, Vasil Vasilev, Oksana Shadura, Raphael Isemann
23rd International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2018)

Posters & Talks

Yuka Takahashi, Tsukasa Fukusato, Takeo Igarashi
Visual Computing 2019 Posters. June 27-29, 2019, Tokyo, Japan.

stitch Stitch: An Interactive Design System for Hand-Sewn Embroidery
Yuka Takahashi, Tsukasa Fukusato
SIGGRAPH 2018 Posters. August 12-16, 2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
ACM Student Research Competition Third Place Award.
[doi] [video]

CHEP Optimizing Frameworks' Performance Using C++ Modules-Aware ROOT
Yuka Takahashi, Vasil Georgiev Vasilev, Raphael Isemann
CHEP 2018 Posters. July 09-13, 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Future of ROOT runtime C++ modules
Yuka Takahashi, Vasil Georgiev Vasilev
ROOT User's Workshop 2018, September 2018, Sarajevo.

ROOT prompt usability features and their costs
Yuka Takahashi, Vasil Georgiev Vasilev, Axel Naumann
ROOT User's Workshop 2018, September 2018, Sarajevo.

A better shell command-line autocompletion for clang
Yuka Takahashi
LLVM developer's meeting, October 2017, San Jose, CA.

Investigating Universal Metrics of Vulnerability Regarding Cross-Site Scripting Attacks
Shogo Hayashi, Yu Asabe, Keiichi Ishikawa, Yuka Takahashi, Masashi Ikarashi, Kanta Matsuura
IWSEC 2016 Posters.



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Last update: August 2024