Simplification and Improvement of Tetrahedral Models for Simulation

Barbara Cutler, Julie Dorsey, and Leonard McMillan
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2004

Project Page

1: Simplification and Improvement of Tetrahedral Models for Simulation
2: Motivation
3: Motivation II
4: Contributions
5: Overtiew
6: Mesh Generation
7: Mesh Simplification
8: Mesh Improvemen
9: Mesh Refinement
10: Overview
11: Goals and Requirenements
12: Why is Element Shape Important
13: Element Quality Metric
14: Overview
15: Local Mesh Transformations
16: Tetrahedral Swaps
17: Edge Collapse
18: Prioritizing Edge Collapses
19: Vertex Smoothing
20: Vertex Addition
21: Ensuring Consistency
22: Block Iteration Algorithm
23: Block Iteration Algorithm II
24: Block Iteration Algorithm III
25: Computing Edge Collapse Weight
26: Edge Collapse Weight Recomputation
27: Algorithm Visualization
28: Overview
29: Results: Hand
30: Results: Dragon
31: Performance
32: Performance II
33: Visualization of Element Quality
34: Visualization of Element Quality II
35: Visualization of Element Quality III
36: Variety of Transformations
37: Overview
38: Conclusions
39: Future Work
40: Acknowledgements