chinmay hegde


Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE)
Iowa State University

I am now with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Iowa State University.

Until July 2015, I was a postdoctoral associate in the Theory of Computation (TOC) group. I work with Piotr Indyk.

I received my Ph.D. at Rice University under the supervision of Rich Baraniuk.

I am interested in the broad areas of signal/image processing, machine learning, and algorithm design, with a focus on acquisition and processing of massive datasets.


August 2015

I joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Iowa State University as an assistant professor.

Here is my new website.

I am looking to hire graduate students. Please see this page for details, and email me for more information.

July 2015

  • Our paper on graph-structured sparsity received the Best Paper Award in ICML 2015.