
Re: Harlequin

On 14 Jul 1999 00:17:29 GMT, David Combs wrote:
>Any chance a friend of yours DOES have access to a SPARC?  Looks like
>there's some neat programs that could benefit the many SPARC users.

If you want, go to 
and install away... (replace uk with the appropriate country code)

>[solaris packages]
>(Probably something similar in linux?)

AFAIK debian packages are quite a bit more advanced.

Groetjes, Peter

It's logic Jim, but not as we know it. | pvaneynd@debian.org for pleasure,
"God, root, what is difference?" - Pitr| pvaneynd@inthan.be for more pleasure!
"God is more forgiving." - Dave Aronson| http://cvs2.cons.org/~pvaneynd
