
Re: Dylan's direction

Re: Dylan's direction
  James Dominy <jdominy@openscript.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>    I have been thinking lately of where the dylan
> language is heading.

>    What type of model should we have going forward? Is our goal to
> increase the popularity of dylan? Make dylan more dev friendly?
> Focus on backwards compatibility? Or look for the next big thing
> and position dylan to take advantage of it? Are we interested in
> applications, network, distributed computing, security?
>    I'd like to hear other people's opinions on the future of dylan
> and where people think we should focus our efforts.

I'm currently using Dylan for application software.  I think it would be
great to use it in embedded systems too.  With many embedded systems
runtime performance, reliability, rapid and evolutionary
development are all important considerations... This sounds like Dylan
to me.

It seems that a lot of embedded devices like handhelds can support Linux
(uCLinux or Linux-CE).  I'm currently gearing up to use one of
Motorola's PPC chips (embedded version).  It would be a real break if
the software could be written in Dylan on top of a Linux based OS.
Anyone doing this?


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