
Re: ANN: "Interacting with CORBA" article

On 23 Dec 1999, Tim Bradshaw wrote:

> * Michi Henning wrote:
> > I remember that there was considerable discussion about precisely this question
> > when the RFP was drafted. I didn't follow all the details back then but,
> > from memory, I think there was a faction who felt that CORBA needed a
> > scripting language, but that it shouldn't go and favor any specific existing
> > one. (If you pick Perl, you alienate the Tcl crowd, if you pick Tcl, you
> > alienate the Python crowd, etc...)
> .. If you invent a new one, you alienate everybody ...

You can please all people some of the time... ;-)


Michi Henning               +61 7 3891 5744
Object Oriented Concepts    +61 4 1118 2700 (mobile)
Suite 4, 904 Stanley St     +61 7 3891 5009 (fax)
East Brisbane 4169          michi@ooc.com.au
AUSTRALIA                   http://www.ooc.com.au/staff/michi-henning.html
