
Re: ANN: "Interacting with CORBA" article

On Fri, 24 Dec 1999, Jason Trenouth wrote:

> So the reason for the RFP was to encourage ORB vendors to support a standard
> scripting language in addition to the 'proper' languages they were already
> supporting? This is so that ORB customers can all write in the same scripting
> language even though they aren't all writing in the same 'proper' language?
> What's the point of that?

Good question. Personally, I'm in favour of having language mappings
to existing languages. Whether they are scripting languages or compiled
languages seems largely irrelevant. Still, IDLscript and Python are what
we have now. If someone is sufficiently motivated to shepherd an RFP
for others, we can have other scripting languages for CORBA as well.
The RFP process is never closed. All you need to do is convince the
majority of PTC and AB members that having, say, a mapping for Dylan
is desirable.


Michi Henning               +61 7 3891 5744
Object Oriented Concepts    +61 4 1118 2700 (mobile)
Suite 4, 904 Stanley St     +61 7 3891 5009 (fax)
East Brisbane 4169          michi@ooc.com.au
AUSTRALIA                   http://www.ooc.com.au/staff/michi-henning.html
