
Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)

in article 3171546824561484@naggum.net, Erik Naggum at erik@naggum.net wrote
on 7/2/00 10:13 AM:

> Most people are nice when they are safe
> and not challenged in any way.  What's important is what it takes to
> make them feel unsafe or challenged and what they do then.  Many
> people are nice only because they suppress feelings of being unsafe
> or challenged, and then they turn into veritable psychopaths when
> they feel they have a "right" to cease being nice, such as when they
> feel that empathy can be withheld.
So from the tone of your writings I guess you're describing yourself here
then :-)

I'm sorry to read you have such a negative view of human nature. People can
be so nice when treated with respect. This effect tends to be amplified when
they realise you continue to be respectful even when they know they are
being disrespectful to you. That's when they will often start to respect you
at a deeper level. (That's my reality anyway, hope it will be yours too one

Live well,

Disapprove of sin but not of the sinner!

Follow-Ups: References: