
Re: jvm

Harlequin did develop a java backend to their compiler. Ask FO if they intend
to pursue it.

Bruce Hoult wrote:

> In article <B5A34D1A.43F1%robm@h2g2.com>, Rob Myers <robm@h2g2.com>
> wrote:
> > I think there's some documentation on the old mit-ai site about compiling
> > Dylan for Java, but the JVM lacks multimethod support and other good
> > stuff, so Dylan probably wouldn't compile optimally for the JVM.
> That's a *big* problem for a Mindy-style (or javac-style) compiler, but
> it's not such a big deal if you're retargetting d2c.  GF dispatch is
> slow even on real CPUs so the compiler tries pretty hard to avoid it
> whenever possible -- and the language design tries to help.  If you use
> something like the GF dispatch algorithm in the recent Cecil/Vortex
> paper then you're doing GF dispatch by using an optomised sequence of
> single-argument dispatches, which *would* map onto what's in the jvm
> fairly well.
> -- Bruce
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