
Re: UML Parser?

>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Myers <robmyers@cwcom.net> writes:

    Rob> current wisdom is that someone really should wrap Expat. :-)

I think I may have done this last May (I say 'think' because I never
tested the thing. :) The problem is that I used Melange, so the
resulting code won't be portable. If there's any interest in this then
I can see if I still have it lurking about somewhere; I started it
before I realized that GD didn't seem to support a few things that I'd
need for the project.

Another option (if you're feeling adventurous and using Fun-O) is to
try compiling Pidgin from the gd CVS tree. I used Expat as a test
case, and IIRC it groks most of xmlparse.h. The unknown portions
should be relatively easy to spot. (Of course, this currently has the
exact opposite results as the above; it won't work on gd presently but
should (ideally!) work with Fun-O until FFI is supported.) If you do
this then please let me know how it goes; I'm suspending work on
Pidgin until I can be a bit more certain that I'm on the right
path. :)

Follow-Ups: References: