
Re: Is anyone there?

In article <8rl0ph$i1v$1@nnrp1.deja.com>, johncwhi@my-deja.com wrote:

> This group seems a little moribund lately :((, and I don't seem to be
> getting anything from info-dylan.

There's lots of activity on the Gwydion Dylan mailing lists at present.  
We're busy debating the best way to support text vs binary files on 
Cygwin.  And other stuff.

Perhaps we could do with some input from Fun-O users.

At present, d2c is Unix-centric and expects to read and write 0x0A as 
newline.  It leaves stdin, stdout, stderr the way it finds them (which 
the C standard says is text mode, where it makes a difference) and so 
automagically inherits [1] any newline translation done by the 
underlying C runtime and/or OS.  And so things Just Work, for 
stdin/stdout/stderr at least, on all platforms including Mac and 
Windows.  Other streams opened by the programmer are more problematic 
and we would appear to need to add a text/binary keyword argument to 
make(<fd-stream>) for generality.  Which is where we run into 
compatability problems, because...

... the documentation at Fun-O says, in contrast, that all files are 
opened in binary mode, and that any line end conversion is done only by 
the read-line and write-line/new-line functions:


This means that "\n" in string literals doesn't do anything useful, 
contrary to large amounts of existing Gywdion source code.  It also 
means that if you write things to a <string-stream> and then write out 
the contents of the <string-stream> then you won't get any endline 
conversion at all.  Which is bad.

It doesn't appear to be documented, but I'm told that Fun-O's format() 
function actually *does* check for embedded \n's in the format string 
(and in any interpolated data strings??) and calls (the 
platform-specific) new-line() instead of simply writing those characters.

Which means that if you use write() then you never get endline 
conversion, but if you call format() on the exact same stream then you 
*do8 gt newline conversion.

If true, I certainly applaud this because I don't see any future at 
*all* in gratuitously annoying millions of C/C++/Java/Perl programmers 
(hypothetically trying out Dylan at some point) by forcing them to call 
new-line() every time instead of just putting a "\n" in their strings as 
they are used to doing.  Hell, that's probably one of the stupidities 
that killed Pascal and Modula-2.  The C way is unclean, but it works and 
millions of people expect it.

-- Bruce

[1] as long as we don't do dumb things such as explicitly put those 
files into binary mode in out init code.
