
Re: Objective C bridge

In article <B6CE6CF4.651C%raffael@mediaone.net>, Raffael Cavallaro 
<raffael@mediaone.net> wrote:

> Their press release stating that MacOS X has gone Gold Master:
> <http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/03
> -0
> 7-2001/0001442582&EDATE=>
> In other words, today's press release about the March 24th release 
> suggests
> that the Wall Street PowerBooks will _not_ be supported. Either that, or
> Apple made an error in their press release.

"Mac OS X requires a minimum of 128MB of memory and is designed to run on
the following Apple products:  iMac(TM), iBook(TM), Power Macintosh(R) 
G3, Power Mac G4, Power Mac G4 Cube and PowerBook(R) introduced after 
September 1998."

I bought this PowerBook in November 1998, but the model was introduced 
at or around WWDC in May 1998.

I'm sure it will be supported *eventually*, and I expect the 8500 will 
be too.  But in the meantime I get to wait...

-- Bruce

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