
Re: Are there any .NET possibilities/implications for Dylan/Functional Developer?

Jason Trenouth <jason.trenouth@globalgraphics.com> wrote in message news:<ui3uitg84ql2vce7j5a4c57pe6uuf2f6tc@4ax.com>...
> On Tue, 19 Jun 2001 04:00:02 -0400 (EDT), "Gary Stephenson"
> <garys@ihug.com.au> wrote:
> > Hi Levi,
> > 
> > I'm in much the same boat as you.  Somebody mentioned something here about
> > .NET recently and I posted saying that if FO were to announce a .NET
> > strategy I would fork out and buy it immediately.
> > 
> > Nobody replied :-(  - whatever that might mean.
> I guess the Fun'O folks wanted to see how much interest there was. One
> Fun'Dev license won't pay for a port to .NET on its own.
> __Jason

Actually, I'm pretty sure I'll be buying a license as soon as I can
afford it, anyway, even if I thought I'd only ever be able to use it
on a single Win98/2000 platform, just because I think it's damned
important work and the Fun'O folks need to be rewarded/supported to
the best of our abilities.  I would really hate to see them fold up
the shop.  I am fairly confident that if they can hold on and maintain
a presence for another year or two, the tide will begin to turn in a
big way.  The pressure does seem to be building for higher level

My god, I've looked at what Microsoft and other industry pundits are
calling "revolutionary" aspects of C#, and it would make me laugh if
it wasn't such a sorry state of affairs...which brings me to another
question, what the hell happened with Apple/Dylan anyway?  Why did
Apple pull the plug?  Did it have anything to do with the Microsoft
capital investment in Apple, circa 1997?  I could certainly see MS
pulling some crap like that, especially given the SUN/Java emerging
threat at that time.

Follow-Ups: References: