
Re: Are there any .NET possibilities/implications for Dylan/Functional Developer?

joe.blow@ho.ho wrote:
> And why should I consider Dylan to be new technology?

Since we were talking about FunDev I assume that's what Jason was referring to.  FunDev does have a lot of new technology in it.  Even if it didn't, it's quite common to refer to new software products as new technology.

> If Functional Objects could get
> acquired by a company that would put a reasonable amount of effort into
> promoting Dylan, it could make all the difference in the world to the future
> of Dylan.

I don't see people lining up to buy new software tools companies.

>  Meanwhile Functional Objects should make their current version
> completely free, to try to keep the momentum going long enough for some other
> company to become interested before Dylan dies out completely.  But of course
> they won't.

Have you made any of these suggestions to Fun-O?  I haven't seen any of them on the support mailing list, at least.  Personally, I think extending the evaluation period wouldn't be a bad idea.  You can already download and evaluate it any number of times.
