
Re: Are there any .NET possibilities/implications for Dylan/Functional Developer?

Nice summary, puts things into perspective. Regarding .NET,
I think any moves in this direction should be treated with caution,
as it's not a proven technology yet. Once it settles down and
there is demand, then I'd worry about it.

I've noticed that more and more people are becoming interested
in Mac OS X, and since it's based on FreeBSD, it probably wouldn't
be too difficult to transfer any OS X work to Linux. So you never
know, you could get two for the price of one ;-)

Best Regards,
Mark Jordan.

"Jason Trenouth" <jason.trenouth@globalgraphics.com> wrote in message
> Hi,
> Okay so the interest in new Fun'Dev platforms is:
> Michael T. Richter        .NET
> Brian Rogoff              Solaris, Linux, HPUX
> James McCarron            Solaris
> Andreas Bogk              Unix
> Gareth Baker              Mac OS X
> Kaelin Colclasure         Linux
> Mark Jordan               not .NET, Windows XP
> Levi Conley               JavaVM
> Les Kachina               .NET, Unix
> jan t                     Unix
> Which is roughly split (just counting 1st votes):
> Windows                    [3]
>   .NET                      2
>   Windows XP                1
> Unix                       [6]
>   (not specific)            2
>   Linux                     1
>   Solaris                   2
>   Mac OS X                  1
> JavaVM                     [1]
> So this sample of folks is more interested in Unix than .NET, but the Unix
> vote is split.
> __Jason
