
Re: Status of Dylan on MacOS X

In article <B7F60120.F14%robmyers@mac.com>, Rob Myers 
<robmyers@mac.com> wrote:

> on 19/10/01 3:30 pm, Raffael Cavallaro at raffael@mediaone.net wrote:
> > I've been wondering for some time what the status of (Gwydion) Dylan on
> > MacOS X is. It seems like the OS has settled down to a large extent 
> > with
> > the release of 10.1. Is there some stable, usable version that will 
> > work
> > on MacOS X 10.1?
> There's a full and current version of Gwydion Dylan available for MacOS X
> from the usual ftp sites. See http://www.gwydiondylan.org/ . It seems 
> pretty
> stable and has a Carbon interface library available for it with some 
> simple
> GUI application demos. See 
> http://www.robmyers.org/dylan/macosx/index.html
> for some old screenshots.
> You do need to install some of the GNU tools to replace the Apple ones
> (automake, autoconf and libtool), especially for compiling the compiler.

You only need to install automake and allow for the fact that you need 
to use "glibtool" not "libtool".

I know that initially I also installed autoconf and libtool but I'm 
afraid that iinstalling the latter might well interfer with Apple's 
functionality, since their "libtool" does something different.

> It hasn't been tested on 10.1 yet to the best of my knowledge

I did a Mindy bootstrap using 10.1 on a virgin G4/867 here yesterday.  
(4.5 hours, which is a tad slower than my Athlon 700 with Linux -- 
mostly I think because Apple's gcc is really slow)

-- Bruce

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