

*-manage command-line tools, Administrative Command-Line Tools
/var/lib/nova/instances directory, /var/lib/nova/instances
0mq, Message Queue


absolute limit, Glossary
access control list (ACL), Inspecting and Recovering Data from Failed Instances, Glossary
access key, Getting Credentials, Glossary
account auditor, Glossary
account database, Glossary
account quotas, Set Object Storage Quotas
account reaper, Glossary
account server, Object Storage, IP Address Planning, Glossary
account service, Glossary
accounting, Glossary
accounts, Commodity Storage Backend Technologies, Associating Users with Projects, Glossary
ACL (see access control list)
Active Directory, Hardware Considerations, Glossary
active/active configuration, Glossary
active/passive configuration, Glossary
address pool, Floating IPs, Glossary
admin API, Customizing Authorization, Glossary
admin server, Glossary
advanced configuration (see configuration options)
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), Rationale, Designing for Cloud Controllers and Cloud Management, Adding Cloud Controller Nodes, Glossary
Advanced RISC Machine (ARM), Glossary
definition of, Glossary
intelligent, Intelligent Alerting
(see also logging/monitoring)
resource, Resource Alerting
allocate, definition of, Glossary
Amazon Kernel Image (AKI), Glossary
Amazon Machine Image (AMI), Glossary
Amazon Ramdisk Image (ARI), Glossary
AMD Virtualization, Choosing a CPU
Anvil, Glossary
Apache, Dashboard, Glossary
Apache License 2.0, Glossary
Apache Web Server, Glossary
API (application programming interface)
API calls, inspecting, Inspecting API Calls
API endpoint, Administrative Command-Line Tools, Glossary
API extension, Glossary
API extension plug-in, Glossary
API key, Glossary
API server, Application Programming Interface (API), Glossary
API token, Glossary
API version, Glossary
design considerations, Application Programming Interface (API)
public APIs, Glossary
applet, Glossary
application server, Glossary
Application Service Provider (ASP), Glossary
arptables, Glossary
associate, definition of, Glossary
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), Glossary
ATA over Ethernet (AoE), Glossary
attach, definition of, Glossary
attachment (network), Glossary
auditing, Glossary
auditor, Glossary
Austin, Glossary
auth node, Glossary
authentication, Designing for Cloud Controllers and Cloud Management, Authentication and Authorization, Getting Credentials, Glossary
authentication tokens, Using cURL for further inspection, Glossary
AuthN, Glossary
authorization, Authentication and Authorization, Customizing Authorization, Glossary
authorization node, Glossary
AuthZ, Glossary
Auto ACK, Glossary
auto declare, Glossary
automated configuration, Automated Configuration
availability zone, Availability zone, Glossary
AWS (Amazon Web Services), Glossary


backend interactions
catalog, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
store, Choosing Storage Backends, Glossary
considerations, Backup and Recovery
databases, Database Backups
file systems, File System Backups
items included, What to Back Up
recovering backups, Recovering Backups
capping, Flavors
definition of, Glossary
design considerations for, Network Considerations
hardware specifications and, The Starting Point
obtaining maximum performance, Connectivity for maximum performance
private vs. public network recommendations, Object Storage
recognizing DDOS attacks, Users Who Disrupt Other Users
bare, definition of, Glossary
base image, Flavors, Taking Snapshots, Glossary
Bexar, Glossary
binary objects, Object Storage
binary results in trending, Trending
definition of, Glossary
bits per second (BPS), Glossary
bits, definition of, Glossary
block device, OpenStack Storage Concepts, Attaching Block Storage, Glossary
block migration, Issues with Live Migration, Glossary
block storage, Components, Block Storage, Block Storage, Attaching Block Storage
Block Storage, Set Block Storage Quotas, Block Storage, Glossary
Block Storage API, Glossary
BMC (Baseboard Management Controller), Glossary
bootable disk image, Glossary
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP), Glossary
browsers, definition of, Glossary
bugs, reporting, Reporting Bugs
builder files, Object Storage, Glossary
burn-in testing, Burn-in Testing
button classes, Glossary
bytes, definition of, Glossary


CA (Certificate/Certification Authority), Glossary
cache pruners, Glossary
Cactus, Glossary
CALL, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
scaling and, Capacity Planning
capacity cache, Glossary
capacity planning, Capacity Planning
capacity updater, Glossary
CAST (RPC primitive), Glossary
catalog, Using cURL for further inspection, Glossary
catalog service, Glossary
ceilometer, Metering and Telemetry with Ceilometer, Glossary
cell forwarding, Glossary
cell managers, Glossary
child cells, Glossary
cloud segregation, Cells and Regions
definition of, Glossary
parent cells, Glossary
CentOS, Overview, Glossary
Ceph, Commodity Storage Backend Technologies, Glossary
CephFS, Glossary
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), CERN
certificate authority (Compute), Glossary
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), Glossary
chance scheduler, Glossary
changes since, Glossary
Chef, Provisioning and Deployment, Operations, Glossary
child cells, Glossary
cinder, Command-Line Tools, Glossary
CirrOS, Glossary
Cisco neutron plug-in, Glossary
cloud architect, Glossary
cloud computing
cloud controller nodes, Glossary
cloud controllers, Glossary
cloud overview, Servers and Services
definition of, Glossary
minimizing costs of, Provisioning and Deployment
vs. traditional deployments, Network Design
cloud controller nodes
adding, Adding Cloud Controller Nodes
command-line tools and, Administrative Command-Line Tools
cloud controllers
concept of, Designing for Cloud Controllers and Cloud Management
duties of, Detailed Description
enabling RabbitMQ, RabbitMQ Web Management Interface or rabbitmqctl
file system backups and, Compute
hardware sizing considerations, Hardware Considerations
log information, Where Are the Logs?
network traffic and, Network Considerations
new compute nodes and, Adding a Compute Node
planned maintenance of, Planned Maintenance
process monitoring and, Monitoring
rebooting, Rebooting a Cloud Controller or Storage Proxy
scalability and, The Starting Point, Pre-Upgrade Testing Environment
services managed by, Designing for Cloud Controllers and Cloud Management
total failure of, Total Cloud Controller Failure
Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI), Glossary
Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface (CIMI), Glossary
cloud-init, Glossary
cloudadmin, Glossary
cloudpipe image, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
CMDB (Configuration Management Database), Glossary
command filters, Glossary
Command-line interface (CLI), Architecture, Running Daemons on the CLI
command-line tools
administrative, Administrative Command-Line Tools
compute node diagnostics, Diagnose Your Compute Nodes
getting credentials, Getting Credentials
inspecting API calls, Inspecting API Calls
installing, Installing the Tools
Python Package Index (PyPI), Command-Line Tools
servers and services, Servers and Services
community projects, Glossary
compression, Glossary
Compute API, Glossary
compute controller, Glossary
compute host, Glossary
Compute Service, Set Compute Service Quotas
Compute service, Glossary
compute worker, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
simplest architecture for, Overview
compute nodes
adding, Adding Cloud Controller Nodes, Adding a Compute Node
backup/recovery of, Compute
CPU choice, Choosing a CPU
definition of, Glossary
diagnosing, Diagnose Your Compute Nodes
failures, Total Compute Node Failure
file system choice, Choice of File System
hypervisor choice, Choosing a Hypervisor
instance storage solutions, Instance Storage Solutions
live migration, Issues with Live Migration
logging, Logging
maintenance, Planned Maintenance
networking, Networking
overcommitting, Overcommitting
concatenated objects, Glossary
conductors, Conductor Services, Glossary
config drive, Running Instances, Instance Boot Failures, Glossary
configuration management, Configuration Management
configuration options
geographical storage considerations, Geographical Considerations for Object Storage
high availability, Adding Cloud Controller Nodes, High Availability
IPv6 support, Enabling IPv6 Support
periodic task frequency, Periodic Task Frequency for Compute
periodic task implementation, Implementing Periodic Tasks
security, Security Configuration for Compute, Networking, and Storage
wide availability of, Advanced Configuration
consistency window, Glossary
console logs, Glossary
container auditors, Glossary
container databases, Glossary
container format, Glossary
container servers, IP Address Planning, Glossary
container service, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
quota setting, Set Object Storage Quotas
storage decisions and, Object Storage
controller nodes (see under cloud computing)
cooperative threading, Implementing Periodic Tasks
core API, Glossary
core project, Glossary
cores, Choosing a CPU
cost, Glossary
CPUs (central processing units)
choosing, Choosing a CPU
enabling hyperthreading on, Choosing a CPU
overcommitting, Overcommitting
credentials, Authentication and Authorization, Getting Credentials, Glossary
Crowbar, Glossary
CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab), MIT CSAIL
cURL, Using cURL for further inspection
current workload, Glossary
customers (see tenants)
custom log statements, Adding Custom Logging Statements
dashboard, Customizing the Dashboard (Horizon)
development environment creation for, Create an OpenStack Development Environment
Object Storage, Customizing Object Storage (Swift) Middleware
OpenStack Compute (nova) Scheduler, Customizing the OpenStack Compute (nova) Scheduler
paths available, Customization
customization module, Glossary


DAC (discretionary access control), Flavors, Glossary
basics of, Architecture
definition of, Glossary
running on CLI, Running Daemons on the CLI
dashboard, Components, Hardware Considerations, Dashboard, Using the OpenStack Dashboard for Administration, Customizing the Dashboard (Horizon), Glossary
data encryption, Glossary
inspecting/recovering failed instances, Inspecting and Recovering Data from Failed Instances
preventing loss of, Backup and Recovery
Database Service, Glossary
backup/recovery of, Database Backups
database ID, Glossary
database replicators, Glossary
design considerations, Database
Image Service, The Image Service and the Database
instance information in, Instances in the Database
maintenance/debugging, Databases
nova-network troubleshooting, Network Configuration in the Database for nova-network
deallocate, definition of, Glossary
Debian, Glossary
debugging (see logging/monitoring; maintenance/debugging)
deduplication, Glossary
default panels, Glossary
default tenants, Glossary
default tokens, Glossary
delayed delete, Glossary
delivery mode, Glossary
deployment (see provisioning/deployment)
deprecated auth, Glossary
design considerations
API support, Application Programming Interface (API)
authentication/authorization, Authentication and Authorization
cloud controller services, Designing for Cloud Controllers and Cloud Management
conductor services, Conductor Services
dashboard, Dashboard
database choice, Database
extensions, Extensions
hardware considerations, Hardware Considerations
images, Images
message queues, Message Queue
network design, Network Design
networks, Network Considerations
scheduling, Scheduling
separation of services, Separation of Services
developer, Glossary
development environments, creating, Create an OpenStack Development Environment
device ID, Glossary
device weight, Glossary
customizing dashboard, Customizing the Dashboard (Horizon)
customizing Object Storage (swift), Customizing Object Storage (Swift) Middleware
customizing OpenStack Compute (nova) scheduler, Customizing the OpenStack Compute (nova) Scheduler
definition of, Glossary
development environment creation, Create an OpenStack Development Environment
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
basics of, Glossary
debugging, Debugging DHCP Issues with nova-network
DHCP agent, Glossary
DHTML (Dynamic HyperText Markup Language), Glossary
Diablo, Glossary
direct consumers, Glossary
direct exchanges, Glossary
direct publishers, Glossary
disassociate, Glossary
disk encryption, Glossary
disk format, Glossary
disk partitioning, Disk Partitioning and RAID
dispersion, Glossary
Django, Customizing the Dashboard (Horizon), Glossary
DNS (Domain Name Server, Service or System)
debugging, Debugging DNS Issues
definitions of, Glossary
DNS aliases, Application Programming Interface (API)
DNS records, Glossary
DNS service choices, DNS
dnsmasq, Glossary
Docker, Choosing a Hypervisor
domain, definition of, Glossary
download, definition of, Glossary
differences between, Differences Between Various Drivers
RPC drivers, Glossary
DRTM (dynamic root of trust measurement), Glossary
durable exchange, Glossary
durable queue, Glossary


EBS boot volume, Glossary
ebtables, Glossary
EC2 access key, Glossary
EC2 API, Glossary
EC2 compatibility API, Glossary
EC2 secret key, Glossary
Elastic Block Storage (EBS), Glossary
encryption, definition of, Glossary
API endpoint, Segregating Your Cloud, Administrative Command-Line Tools, Glossary
endpoint registry, Glossary
endpoint templates, Glossary
global endpoint template, Glossary
tenant endpoint, Glossary
entity, definition of, Glossary
ephemeral images, Glossary
ephemeral volume, Glossary
Essex, Glossary
ESX hypervisor, Choosing a Hypervisor, Glossary
ESXi hypervisor, Choosing a Hypervisor, Glossary
ETag, Glossary
euca2ools, Glossary
Eucalyptus Kernel Image (EKI), Glossary
Eucalyptus Machine Image (EMI), Glossary
Eucalyptus Ramdisk Image (ERI), Glossary
evacuation, definition of, Glossary
example architectures (see legacy networking; OpenStack networking)
exchange, Glossary
exchange types, Glossary
exclusive queues, Glossary
extended attributes (xattrs), Glossary
definition of, Glossary
design considerations, Extensions
external network, definition of, Glossary
extra specs, definition of, Glossary


FakeLDAP, Glossary
fan-out exchange, Glossary
Fedora, Glossary
Fibre Channel, Glossary
Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), Glossary
file injection, File injection
file systems
backup/recovery of, File System Backups
choice of, Choice of File System
nonshared, On Compute Node Storage—Nonshared File System
shared, Off Compute Node Storage—Shared File System
fill-first scheduler, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
ingress filtering, Glossary
Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS), Glossary
firewalls, Glossary
fixed IP addresses, Public Addressing Options, Glossary
Flat Manager, Glossary
flat mode injection, Glossary
flat network, Glossary
FlatDHCP Manager, Glossary
flavor, The Starting Point, Flavors, Glossary
flavor ID, Glossary
floating IP address, Components, Manually Deassociating a Floating IP, Glossary
Folsom, Glossary
FormPost, Glossary
front end, definition of, Glossary
Fully Automatic Installation (FAI), Disk Partitioning and RAID
functional testing, Customizing Object Storage (Swift) Middleware


gateway, Glossary
Generic Receive Offload (GRO), Glossary
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE), Glossary
glance API server, Images, Glossary
glance registry, Images, Glossary
python-glanceclient, Command-Line Tools
global endpoint template, Glossary
GlusterFS, Commodity Storage Backend Technologies, Glossary
golden image, Glossary
Graphic Interchange Format (GIF), Glossary
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), Glossary
Green Threads, Glossary
Grizzly, Example Architecture—Legacy Networking (nova), Glossary
guest OS, Glossary


Hadoop, Glossary
handover, Glossary
hard drives, replacing, Replacing a Swift Disk
hard reboot, Glossary
design considerations, Hardware Considerations
maintenance/debugging, Working with Hardware
scalability planning, Hardware Procurement
virtual hardware, The Starting Point
Havana, Example Architecture—Legacy Networking (nova), Glossary
health monitor, Glossary
heat, Glossary
Heat Orchestration Template (HOT), Glossary
help, resources for, Getting Help
high availability, Adding Cloud Controller Nodes, High Availability
horizon plug-ins, Glossary
host aggregate, Host aggregates zone, Glossary
Host Bus Adapter (HBA), Glossary
hosts, definition of, Glossary
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
basics of, Glossary
HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), Glossary
Hyper-V, Choosing a Hypervisor, Glossary
hyperlink, Glossary
hyperthreading, Choosing a CPU
choosing, Choosing a Hypervisor
compute node diagnosis and, Diagnose Your Compute Nodes
definition of, Glossary
differences between, Differences Between Various Drivers
hypervisor pools, Glossary
KVM, Rationale
running multiple, Choosing a Hypervisor


IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
basics of, Glossary
Compute bare-metal deployment, Bare-Metal Deployment (Ironic)
Compute V3 API, Compute V3 API
database-as-a-service tool, Database as a Service (Trove)
definition of, Glossary
image quotas, Set Image Quotas
IPv6 support, Enabling IPv6 Support
migration to Ubuntu, Deployment
nova network deprecation, Deprecation of Nova Network
scheduler improvements, Scheduler Improvements
upcoming release of, Working with Roadmaps
upgrades in, Easier Upgrades
ID number, Glossary
Identity Service
authentication decisions, Authentication and Authorization
backup/recovery, Identity
basics of, Glossary
displaying services and endpoints with, Servers and Services
Identity backend, Glossary
Identity Service API, Managing Projects and Users, Glossary
image ID, Glossary
plug-in support, Authentication and Authorization
IDS (Intrusion Detection System), Glossary
Image Service
backup/recovery of, Image Catalog and Delivery
database queries, Example Image Service Database Queries
database tables, The Image Service and the Database
design considerations, Images
image cache, Glossary
image membership, Glossary
image owner, Glossary
image registry, Glossary
Image Service API, Glossary
image status, Glossary
image store, Glossary
image UUID, Glossary
public images, Glossary
quota setting, Set Image Quotas
adding, Adding Images
CLI options for, Other CLI Options
definition of, Glossary
deleting, Deleting Images
sharing between projects, Sharing Images Between Projects
incubated projects, Glossary
ingress filtering, Glossary
INI, Glossary
injection, Glossary
instance tunnels network, Glossary
boot failures, Instance Boot Failures
database information, Instances in the Database
definition of, Glossary
instance ID, Glossary
instance state, Glossary
instance type, Glossary
instance type ID, Glossary
instance UUID, Glossary
instance-specific data, Using Instance-Specific Data
list of running, Running Instances
maintenance/debugging, Instances
starting, Starting Instances
storage solutions, Instance Storage Solutions
tracing instance requests, Tracing Instance Requests
Intel Virtualization Technology, Choosing a CPU
intelligent alerting, Intelligent Alerting
interface, Glossary
interface ID, Glossary
interface states, checking, Using "ip a" to Check Interface States
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Glossary
Internet Service Provider (ISP), Glossary
ip a command, Using "ip a" to Check Interface States
IP Address Management (IPAM), Glossary
IP addresses
address planning, IP Address Planning
definition of, Glossary
fixed, Public Addressing Options, Glossary
floating, Components, Floating IPs, Manually Deassociating a Floating IP, Glossary
private, Glossary
public, Glossary
public addressing options, Public Addressing Options
sections of, IP Address Planning
shared, Glossary
static, Public Addressing Options, Glossary
ip6tables, Glossary
IPL (Initial Program Loader), Glossary
IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface), Glossary
iptables, iptables, Glossary
IPv6, enabling support for, Enabling IPv6 Support
ironic, Glossary
iSCSI protocol, Glossary
ISO9960 format, Glossary
itsec, Glossary


Java, Glossary
JavaScript, Glossary
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), Glossary
Jenkins, Glossary
Juno, Glossary


kernel-based VM (KVM) hypervisor, Rationale, Choosing a Hypervisor, Glossary
Keyring Support, Inspecting API Calls
keystone, Command-Line Tools, Glossary
Kickstart, Glossary


large object, Glossary
Launchpad, Glossary
Layer-2 network, Glossary
Layer-3 (L3) agent, Glossary
legacy networking (nova)
benefits of multi-host networking, Why use multi-host networking?
component overview, Overview
detailed description, Detailed Description
features supported by, Components
optional extensions, Optional Extensions
rationale for choice of, Rationale
vs. OpenStack Network Service (neutron), Why not use the OpenStack Network Service (neutron)?
libvirt, Glossary
Linux Bridge
neutron plug-in for, Glossary
troubleshooting, Network Troubleshooting
Linux containers (LXC), Choosing a Hypervisor, Glossary
live migration, Components, Issues with Live Migration, OpenStack Storage Concepts, Glossary
live snapshots, Live Snapshots
load balancing, Glossary
Load-Balancing-as-a-Service (LBaaS), Glossary
adding custom log statements, Adding Custom Logging Statements
ceilometer project, Metering and Telemetry with Ceilometer
central log management, Centrally Managing Logs
compute nodes and, Logging
intelligent alerting, Intelligent Alerting
log location, Where Are the Logs?
logging levels, Reading the Logs
OpenStack-specific resources, OpenStack-Specific Resources
process monitoring, Process Monitoring
RabbitMQ web management interface, RabbitMQ Web Management Interface or rabbitmqctl
reading log messages, Reading the Logs
resource alerting, Resource Alerting
StackTack tool, StackTach
tailing logs, Determining Which Component Is Broken
tracing instance requests, Tracing Instance Requests
trending, Trending
Logical Volume Manager (LVM), Glossary
LVM (Logical Volume Manager), Commodity Storage Backend Technologies


mailing lists, Getting Help
maintenance/debugging, Maintenance, Failures, and Debugging, Uninstalling
(see also troubleshooting)
/var/lib/nova/instances, /var/lib/nova/instances
cloud controller planned maintenance, Planned Maintenance
cloud controller total failure, Total Cloud Controller Failure
complete failures, Handling a Complete Failure
compute node planned maintenance, Planned Maintenance
compute node reboot, After a Compute Node Reboots
compute node total failures, Total Compute Node Failure
configuration management, Configuration Management
databases, Databases
determining component affected, Determining Which Component Is Broken
hardware, Working with Hardware
instances, Instances
rebooting following, Rebooting a Cloud Controller or Storage Proxy
reporting bugs, Reporting Bugs
schedule of tasks, HDWMY
storage node reboot, Rebooting a Storage Node
storage node shut down, Shutting Down a Storage Node
swift disk replacement, Replacing a Swift Disk
uninstalling, Uninstalling
volumes, Volumes
management API (see admin API)
management network, Management Network, Glossary
manager, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
manifest objects, Glossary
marconi, Glossary
melange, Glossary
membership, Glossary
membership lists, Glossary
memcached, Glossary
memory overcommit, Glossary
message brokers, Glossary
message bus, Glossary
message queue, Message Queue, Glossary
design considerations, Message Queue
non-durable exchanges, Glossary
non-durable queues, Glossary
persistent messages, Glossary
transient messages, Glossary
Meta-Data Server (MDS), Glossary
instance metadata, Using Instance-Specific Data
OpenStack Image Service and, Images
Metadata agent, Glossary
metering/telemetry, Metering and Telemetry with Ceilometer
migration, Components, Issues with Live Migration, OpenStack Storage Concepts, Glossary
MIT CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab), MIT CSAIL
Modular Layer 2 (ML2) neutron plug-in, Glossary
modules, types of, Architecture
Monitor (LBaaS), Glossary
Monitor (Mon), Glossary
intelligent alerting, Intelligent Alerting
metering and telemetry, Metering and Telemetry with Ceilometer
OpenStack-specific resources, OpenStack-Specific Resources
process monitoring, Process Monitoring
resource alerting, Resource Alerting
trending, Trending
(see also logging/monitoring)
multi-factor authentication, Glossary
multi-host, Glossary
multi-host networking, Why use multi-host networking?, Conductor Services, Multi-Host and Single-Host Networking
MultiNic, Multi-NIC Provisioning, Glossary
multithreading, Choosing a CPU


Nagios, Monitoring
namespaces, troubleshooting, Dealing with Network Namespaces
Nebula, Glossary
NeCTAR Research Cloud, NeCTAR
netadmin, Glossary
NetApp volume driver, Glossary
network design
first steps, Network Design
IP address planning, IP Address Planning
management network, Management Network
network topology
deployment options, Network Topology
multi- vs. single-host networking, Multi-Host and Single-Host Networking
multi-NIC provisioning, Multi-NIC Provisioning
VLAN with OpenStack VMs, VLAN Configuration Within OpenStack VMs
public addressing options, Public Addressing Options
services for networking, Services for Networking
network namespaces, troubleshooting, Dealing with Network Namespaces
network troubleshooting (see troubleshooting)
Networking API, Glossary
configuration management, Configuration Management
configuration of, Network Configuration
definition of, Glossary
deployment options, Network Topology
design considerations, Network Considerations
inspection of, Network Inspection
multi-host, Why use multi-host networking?, Multi-Host and Single-Host Networking
Network Address Translation (NAT), Glossary
network controllers, Glossary
Network File System (NFS), Glossary
network IDs, Glossary
network managers, Network Topology, Glossary
network nodes, Glossary
network segments, Glossary
Network Time Protocol (NTP), NTP, Glossary
network UUID, Glossary
network workers, Glossary
private networks, Glossary
public, Glossary
virtual, Glossary
VLAN, VLAN Configuration Within OpenStack VMs, Glossary
Networking API, Glossary
neutron manager, Glossary
neutron plug-in, Glossary
python-neutronclient, Command-Line Tools
Nexenta volume driver, Glossary
NICs (network interface cards), Management Network
No ACK, Glossary
adding, Adding a Compute Node
definition of, Glossary
proxy nodes, Glossary
storage nodes, Rebooting a Storage Node, Glossary
swift storage nodes, Glossary
non-durable exchanges, Glossary
non-durable queue, Glossary
non-persistent volume (see ephemeral volume)
Compute API, Glossary
deprecation of, Deprecation of Nova Network
nova-network, Glossary
python-novaclient, Command-Line Tools


Object Storage
adding nodes, Adding an Object Storage Node
backup/recovery of, Object Storage
customization of, Customizing Object Storage (Swift) Middleware
geographical considerations, Geographical Considerations for Object Storage
Object Storage API, Persistent Storage, Glossary
Object Storage Device (OSD), Glossary
quota setting, Set Object Storage Quotas
simplest architecture for, Overview
concatenated objects, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
manifest objects, Glossary
object auditors, Glossary
object expiration, Glossary
object hash, Glossary
object path hash, Glossary
object replicators, Glossary
object servers, IP Address Planning, Glossary
object storage, Components
object versioning, Glossary
persistent storage of, Persistent Storage
segmented objects, Glossary
storage decisions and, Object Storage
Oldie, Glossary
Open Cloud Computing Interface (OCCI), Glossary
Open Virtualization Format (OVF), Glossary
Open vSwitch
neutron plug-in for, Glossary
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Open vSwitch
OpenLDAP, Glossary
basics of, Glossary
code name, Glossary
documentation, Getting Help
module types in, Architecture
OpenStack community
additional information, Finding Additional Information
contributing to, How to Contribute to the Documentation
customization and, Customization
getting help from, Getting Help
joining, Join the OpenStack Community
reporting bugs, Reporting Bugs
security information, Security Information
use cases
working with roadmaps
aspects to watch, Aspects to Watch, Toward a Python SDK
influencing, Influencing the Roadmap
information available, Information Available to You
release cycle, Working with Roadmaps
OpenStack Networking (neutron)
component overview, Overview
detailed description of, Node types
rationale for choice of, Rationale
third-party component configuration, Example Component Configuration
troubleshooting, Network Troubleshooting
openSUSE, Glossary
operator, Glossary
Orchestration, Glossary
orphans, Glossary
overcommitting, Overcommitting


parent cells, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
disk partitioning, Disk Partitioning and RAID
partition index, Glossary
partition index value, Glossary
passwords, Getting Credentials
Paste framework, Customizing Object Storage (Swift) Middleware
path failures, Finding a Failure in the Path
pause, Glossary
PCI passthrough, Glossary
periodic tasks, Implementing Periodic Tasks
persistent messages, Glossary
persistent storage, Persistent Storage
persistent volume, Glossary
personality file, Glossary
ping packets, Visualizing nova-network Traffic in the Cloud
pip utility, Command-Line Tools
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Glossary
plug-ins, definition of, Glossary
policy service, Glossary
pool, Glossary
pool member, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
port UUID, Glossary
virtual, Glossary
preseed, definition of, Glossary
private image, Glossary
private IP address, Glossary
private networks, Glossary
process monitoring, Process Monitoring
Project Members tab, Associating Users with Projects
definition of, Projects or Tenants?, Glossary
obtaining list of current, Users and Projects
project ID, Glossary
project VPN, Glossary
sharing images between, Sharing Images Between Projects
promiscuous mode, Glossary
protected property, Glossary
provider, Glossary
automated configuration, Automated Configuration
automated deployment, Automated Deployment
deployment scenarios, Separation of Services
network deployment options, Network Topology
remote management, Remote Management
tips for, Parting Thoughts for Provisioning and Deploying OpenStack
proxy nodes, Glossary
proxy servers, Glossary
public API, Glossary
public image, Glossary
public IP address, Glossary
public key authentication, Glossary
public network, Glossary
Puppet, Provisioning and Deployment, Operations, Glossary
Python, Customizing Object Storage (Swift) Middleware, Customizing the Dashboard (Horizon), Glossary
Python Package Index (PyPI), Command-Line Tools


QEMU Copy On Write 2 (QCOW2), Glossary
Qpid, Message Queue, Glossary
quarantine, Glossary
exclusive queues, Glossary
transient queues, Glossary
Quick EMUlator (QEMU), Choosing a Hypervisor, Glossary
quotas, Quotas, View and update Block Storage quotas for a tenant (project), Glossary


RabbitMQ, Message Queue, RabbitMQ Web Management Interface or rabbitmqctl, Glossary
Rackspace Cloud Files, Glossary
RADOS Block Device (RBD), Glossary
radvd, Glossary
RAID (redundant array of independent disks), Disk Partitioning and RAID
RAM filter, Glossary
RAM overcommit, Overcommitting, Glossary
rate limits, Glossary
raw format, Glossary
RDO (Red Hat Distributed OpenStack), Overview, Overview
rebalancing, Glossary
cloud controller or storage proxy, Rebooting a Cloud Controller or Storage Proxy
compute node, After a Compute Node Reboots
hard vs. soft, Glossary
rebuilding, Glossary
Recon, Glossary
basics of, Glossary
record IDs, Glossary
recovery, Recovering Backups
(see also backup/recovery)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Glossary
reference architecture, Glossary
region, Cells and Regions, Glossary
registry (see under Image Service)
registry servers, Glossary
Reliable, Autonomic Distributed Object Store (RADOS), Glossary
Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Glossary
definition of, Glossary
replica count, Glossary
replicators, Glossary
request IDs, Glossary
rescue images, Glossary
resizing, Glossary
generic vs. OpenStack-specific, OpenStack-Specific Resources
resource alerting, Resource Alerting
RESTful web services, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
ring builders, Object Storage, Glossary
Role Based Access Control (RBAC), Glossary
definition of, Glossary
role ID, Glossary
preparing for, Preparing for a Rollback
process for, Rolling Back a Failed Upgrade
rootwrap, Glossary
round-robin scheduler, Glossary
router, Glossary
routing keys, Glossary
RPC drivers, Glossary
rsync, Glossary
rsyslog, rsyslog Client Configuration
RXTX cap/quota, Glossary
Ryu neutron plug-in, Glossary


S3 storage service, Glossary
sahara, Glossary
adding cloud controller nodes, Adding Cloud Controller Nodes
availability zones, Availability Zones and Host Aggregates
burn-in testing, Burn-in Testing
capacity planning, Capacity Planning
cells and regions, Cells and Regions
cloud segregation, Segregating Your Cloud
file system choice, On Compute Node Storage—Nonshared File System
hardware procurement, Hardware Procurement
host aggregate, Host aggregates zone
metrics for, The Starting Point
Object Storage and, Object Storage
vertical vs. horizontal, Scaling
scheduler manager, Glossary
customization of, Customizing the OpenStack Compute (nova) Scheduler
design considerations, Scheduling
round-robin, Glossary
spread-first, Glossary
scoped tokens, Glossary
script modules, Architecture
scrubbers, Glossary
secret keys, Glossary
secure shell (SSH), Glossary
security groups, Security Groups, Associating Security Groups, Glossary
security issues
configuration options, Security Configuration for Compute, Networking, and Storage
failed instance data inspection, Inspecting and Recovering Data from Failed Instances
middleware example, Customizing Object Storage (Swift) Middleware
passwords, Getting Credentials
reporting/fixing vulnerabilities, Security Information
scheduler example, Customizing the OpenStack Compute (nova) Scheduler
segmented objects, Glossary
segregation methods, Segregating Your Cloud
separation of services, Separation of Services
server image, Glossary
application servers, Glossary
avoiding volatility in, Hardware Procurement
definition of, Glossary
obtaining overview of, Servers and Services
proxy servers, Glossary
registry servers, Glossary
server UUID, Glossary
virtual, Glossary
service catalog, Glossary
service ID, Glossary
service registration, Glossary
service restoration, Handling a Complete Failure
service tenant, Glossary
service token, Glossary
definition of, Glossary
obtaining overview of, Servers and Services
separation of, Separation of Services
session backend, Glossary
session persistence, Glossary
session storage, Glossary
shared IP address, Glossary
shared IP groups, Glossary
shared storage, Off Compute Node Storage—Shared File System, Glossary
Sheepdog, Glossary
Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM), Glossary
single-host networking, Multi-Host and Single-Host Networking
Single-root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV), Glossary
SmokeStack, Glossary
snapshot, Taking Snapshots, Glossary
soft reboot, Glossary
SolidFire Volume Driver, Glossary
SPICE (Simple Protocol for Independent Computing Environments), Glossary
spread-first scheduler, Glossary
SQL-Alchemy, Glossary
SQLite, Glossary
stack, Glossary
Stackforge, Automated Configuration
StackTach, StackTach, Glossary
static IP addresses, Public Addressing Options, Glossary
StaticWeb, Glossary
block storage, Components, Block Storage, Block Storage, Attaching Block Storage, Block Storage
choosing backends, Choosing Storage Backends
commodity storage, Commodity Storage Backend Technologies
ephemeral, Ephemeral Storage
file system choice, Choice of File System
file-level, OpenStack Storage Concepts
geographical considerations, Geographical Considerations for Object Storage
instance storage solutions, Instance Storage Solutions
live migration, Issues with Live Migration
object storage, Components, Persistent Storage
overview of concepts, OpenStack Storage Concepts
storage driver support, Choosing Storage Backends
storage manager, Glossary
storage manager backend, Glossary
storage proxy maintenance, Rebooting a Cloud Controller or Storage Proxy
storage services, Glossary
storage workers, Designing for Cloud Controllers and Cloud Management
swift storage nodes, Glossary
storage backend, Choosing Storage Backends, Glossary
storage node, Rebooting a Storage Node, Glossary
strategy, Glossary
subdomains, Glossary
subnet, Glossary
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), Glossary
suspend, definition of, Glossary
swap, definition of, Glossary
swawth, Glossary
Object Storage API, Persistent Storage, Glossary
python-swiftclient, Command-Line Tools
swift middleware, Customizing Object Storage (Swift) Middleware, Glossary
swift proxy server, Glossary
swift storage nodes, Glossary
swift All in One (SAIO), Glossary
sync point, Glossary
sysadmin, Glossary
system usage, Glossary
systems administration (see user management)


tailing logs, Tailing Logs
tcpdump, tcpdump
Telemetry, Glossary
telemetry/metering, Metering and Telemetry with Ceilometer
TempAuth, Glossary
Tempest, Glossary
TempURL, Glossary
definition of, Projects or Tenants?
Tenant API, Glossary
tenant endpoint, Glossary
tenant ID, Glossary
burn-in testing, Burn-in Testing
functional testing, Customizing Object Storage (Swift) Middleware
token services, Glossary
tokens, Glossary
tombstone, Glossary
topic publisher, Glossary
Torpedo, Glossary
transaction IDs, Glossary
transient exchanges (see non-durable exchanges)
transient messages, Glossary
transient queues, Glossary
monitoring cloud performance with, Trending
report examples, Trending
vs. alerts, Trending
burn-in testing, Burn-in Testing
checking interface states, Using "ip a" to Check Interface States
detecting path failures, Finding a Failure in the Path
DNS issues, Application Programming Interface (API), Debugging DNS Issues
getting help, Getting Help
iptables, iptables
network namespaces, Dealing with Network Namespaces
nova-network database, Network Configuration in the Database for nova-network
nova-network DHCP, Debugging DHCP Issues with nova-network
nova-network traffic, Visualizing nova-network Traffic in the Cloud
Open vSwitch, Troubleshooting Open vSwitch
OpenStack traffic, Visualizing OpenStack Networking Service Traffic in the Cloud, Visualizing OpenStack Networking Service Traffic in the Cloud
trove, Glossary


Ubuntu, Overview, Glossary
uninstall operation, Uninstalling
unscoped token, Glossary
updaters, Glossary
controlling cost of, Pre-Upgrade Testing Environment
final steps, Cleaning Up and Final Configuration File Updates
Grizzly to Havana (Red Hat), How to Perform an Upgrade from Grizzly to Havana—Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Derivatives, Upgrade Packages and Restart Services on the Block Storage Nodes
Grizzly to Havana (Ubuntu), How to Perform an Upgrade from Grizzly to Havana—Ubuntu, Upgrade Packages and Restart Services on the Block Storage Nodes
pre-upgrade testing, Pre-Upgrade Testing Environment
preparation for, Preparing for a Rollback
process overview, Preparing for a Rollback
rolling back failures, Rolling Back a Failed Upgrade
use cases
user data, Instance user data, Glossary
user management
adding projects, Managing Projects
associating users with projects, Associating Users with Projects
creating new users, User Management
handling disruptive users, Users Who Disrupt Other Users
listing users, Users and Projects
quotas, Quotas
terminology for, Projects or Tenants?
User Mode Linux (UML), Glossary
user training
block storage, Block Storage, Attaching Block Storage
flavors, Flavors
floating IPs, Floating IPs
images, Images
instances, Instances, Instances in the Database
security groups, Security Groups, Associating Security Groups
snapshots, Taking Snapshots
users, definition of, Glossary


VIF UUID, Glossary
VIP, Glossary
Virtual Central Processing Unit (vCPU), Glossary
Virtual Disk Image (VDI), Glossary
Virtual Hard Disk (VHD), Glossary
virtual IP, Glossary
virtual machine (VM), The Starting Point, Glossary
virtual network, Glossary
Virtual Network Computing (VNC), Glossary
Virtual Network InterFace (VIF), Glossary
virtual networking, Glossary
virtual port, Glossary
virtual private network (VPN), Glossary
virtual servers, Glossary
virtual switch (vSwitch), Glossary
virtual VLAN, Glossary
VirtualBox, Glossary
virtualization technology, Choosing a CPU
VLAN manager, Glossary
VLAN network, VLAN Configuration Within OpenStack VMs, Glossary
VM disk (VMDK), Glossary
VM image, Glossary
VM Remote Control (VMRC), Glossary
VMware API, Choosing a Hypervisor, Glossary
VNC proxy, Glossary
maintenance/debugging, Volumes
Volume API, Glossary
volume controller, Glossary
volume driver, Glossary
volume ID, Glossary
volume manager, Glossary
volume node, Glossary
volume plug-in, Glossary
volume storage, Block Storage
volume workers, Glossary
vSphere, Glossary
vulnerability tracking/management, Security Information


weighing, Glossary
weight, Capacity Planning, Glossary
weighted cost, Glossary
workers, Designing for Cloud Controllers and Cloud Management, Glossary
working environment
command-line tools, Command-Line Tools
dashboard, Using the OpenStack Dashboard for Administration
network inspection, Network Inspection
running instances, Running Instances
users and projects, Users and Projects


Xen Cloud Platform (XCP), Glossary
Xen Storage Manager Volume Driver, Glossary
XenServer hypervisor, Choosing a Hypervisor, Glossary
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