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The Nibbles maneuver
Episode II of "Mr. Big Goes Ballistic." Good and Evil continue to clash. But then Good has to go to the toilet.
The toilet trap
Episode III of "Mr. Big Goes Ballistic." Evil has Good trapped in the toilet.
Why gossip?
What compulsion drives us to corner our friends and neighbours and bombard them with the latest saga of Mrs. Halmartin and her plumber? Why do we insist on having heated arguments about why a simple clogged shower is taking so long to fix?
As happy as Larry
The end of the universe wasn't much fun really, but after the initial unpleasantness with the being ripped into infinitesimal shreds bit, it all got sorted out and everyone went away happy.
An epic in zero parts.
Karl Marx
The workers have nothing to lose but their small change. They have a lottery to win.
Charles Darwin
A theory of Supernatural Selection. The trouble the alien beings went to to get rid of those dissident dodos would amaze you.
Scratch card
Free Java scratch card for your homepage!

The Broken Plank is pleased to present a new advance in virtual pets: your very own horde of rampaging penguins!
Sacrifice several continents to their insatiable appetites!

Meaning of life
Scientists discover the meaning of life. Now there's only one problem left.
George Washington
I don't know about this democracy business. An anarcho-syndicalist commune was more what I had in mind.
No-one wants to employ dinosaurs these days. Sob. They say we're obsolescent.
Hello I'm Alien. You may remember me from the series of movies in which I sprang out of human's stomachs and devoured them.
Winston Churchill
During the War, I told the British public that I had nothing to offer them but "blood, toil, tears and sweat." But it was a lie. A sham. In fact I had a box of chocolates hidden at the back of my sock drawer that I could have offered around.
The uncovered web
Links that don't exist yet. Look on these as a challenge.
Your worst enemy
The miracle of modern science pinpoints your worst enemy.
The mad lads
The amount of straining I have to do every day just to hear these people on the far side of the room is doing me no good.
Mr. President?
Signs modern-day psychologists use to spot delusions of grandeur (in the absence of Napolean-style hats)
Year 2000
How bad could the year 2000 be?
The perfect circle
Mathematical idealizations are a nice place to visit, but...
Bazo's news
Web publishing - a dramatic exposé - by Bazo
We tackle the Origin Question. Just where does cheese come from? Who was the first to discover the staggering truth?
50MBs for free!
Free space for your homepages! 50MBs! Plus free email, free advertising.
Confronting Mr. Big
Episode I of "Mr. Big Goes Ballistic." Good and Evil clash as Helen the Helpless Hostage Heroine looks on. Well she occasionally looks on. She is somewhat busy studying for her finals, but she glances over every now and then to give Good some moral support.
Love child
You'll never guess but sure hasn't young Jim from over Ballynahinch way just found out that his mother isn't who he thought she was.
Pointy ears - Why?
Mr. Spock. He has big ears. He is intelligent. Are these two facts related? We investigate.
What is this Life business anyway?
Life, love, elephants, and penguins.
Fastest clicker?
Are you the fastest clicker in the west? Find out!
Unicorn ailments
While the owner may be glad the unicorn no longer causes so many fatalities through enthusiastic but lamentably careless nuzzling...
It seems likely that a love of history is doomed to be unrequited.
Mrs. Waldermier's labrador
Sure isn't the whole parish only in uproar over the antics of Paddy Loughlann of Loughlann's pub. Didn't he go and put a whole gaggle of quare foreign stations on the pub telly without so much as a by your leave from his paying customers!
Code Quacker
Shuffle flap flap. Flap whoop. Flap flap flap. Squalk squalk squalk. Flap flap. Squalk honk flap. Honk flap whoop flap! Squalk squaaaalk shuffle flap honk squaaaalk honk. Flap flap honk. Flap honk honk squalk. Squaaaalk flap. Whoop squaaaalk flap?
Feeling your age?
Getting out of breath more easily than you used to? Afraid to look in the mirror?
The nature of reality
In the beginning, there was Something Else. But then that got sorted out.
Happy Ending
No doubt they put their trousers on one tentacle at a time, just like we do.
The sea at last!
Lemming diving from cliff makes a discovery that will change its life.
The foreigner
Sure hasn't Tom from down the road gone and decided to get married to a foreigner!
Lemmings- why do they do it?
Is it really just population pressure? Or are more sinister forces at work?
The vegetable conspiracy, Part II: The Carrots
You may say that I know nothing of carrots or the threat they represent. You may say I am making this up as I go along
The coffee shop
Sure tis pure encouraging idleness it is, coffee shop I ask you!
The bull
You'll never guess what happened this morning at mass!

Depressed? New relationship? Need advice?
Ask a Klingon!

Is life getting you down?
Well why not return the favor!

What shoe size is He?
Astronomers: in need of a change of scene?
The vegetable conspiracy, Part I: The Cabbages
Those racks and thumb-screws were nothing compared with what some people have done with cabbages
Leave was cancelled
He established a reign of terror across seven major continents
They won't stop at haircuts
I mean, do you think I actually enjoy young women bumping into me?
As the tortured tether finally tore and plummeted him to his doom, he made a mental note








All material copyright (1998) of the Dalek Bell conspiracy (more, mail us)