PGP Cluedump — Extra Content

17 November 2009, 4-231 — part of the MIT SIPB Cluedump series

Author: Steve Woodrow <>


The "beta" slides from the talk: pgp-cluedump-2009-slides-beta.pdf

I consider these beta because I talked about more material but didn't have time to add it to the slides, and because I still hope to improve the slides to better present some of the concepts I did have time to cover.


My (somewhat sketchy) notes that I used to construct the talk: pgp-cluedump-2009-presenter-notes.pdf

A "good" strategy for setting up GPG

These documents needs to be cleaned up before release, but will include


If you have any questions about any of the above documents, or about my talk on the 17th, please email me above.