Bill Freeman's Research Group
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(last updated: April, 2012)
Current students
Hyun Sung Chang
, EECS Dept.
Roger Grosse
, EECS Dept.
Michael Rubinstein
, EECS Dept.
Yichang Shih
, EECS Dept., co-supervised by Fredo Durand.
Andrew Owens
, EECS Dept., co-supervised by Antonio Torralba.
Neal Wadhwa
, Mathematics Dept.
Donglai Wei
, EECS Dept., co-supervised by John Fisher.
Katie Bouman
, EECS Dept., co-supervised by John Fisher.
Alumni group members
Former sabbatical visitor
Prof. Yair Weiss
, Hebrew University. Visited MIT for 2006-7 and 2007-8
academic years, and summer, 2009.
Former post-docs or research scientists
Prof. Rob Fergus
(Assistant Professor, NYU).
Prof. Anat Levin
(Assistant Professor,
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel).
Prof. Kevin Murphy
(Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia).
Dr. Sai Ravela
(research scientist at Earth and Planetary Sciences, MIT).
Dr. Josef Sivic
(research scientist at
CNRS in Paris).
Prof. Antonio Torralba
(Assistant Professor, MIT).
Dr. Leo Zhu
(currently a
post-doc at NYU ).
Dr. Sam Hasinoff
Currently works at Google on computational photography.
Former students
Dr. Ce Liu
, (Research Scientist, Microsoft Research, New England.)
Dr. Bryan Russell
(Research scientist University of Washington).
Barun Singh
(owner of BarunSinghDesign).
Prof. Erik Sudderth
(Assistant Professor, Brown University).
Prof. Marshall Tappen
(Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida).
Taeg Sang ("Tim") Cho
Wilmer Hale.
Biliana Kaneva