Selected Conference Publications
B.K.P. Horn,
“Towards a Science of Image Understanding”,
Proc. 5th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence,
Cambridge, Massachusetts,
1977 August 22-25.
B.K.P. Horn,
“What is Delaying the Manipulator Revolution”,
Proc. of the N.S.F. Workshop on the Impact on the Academic Community of Required Research Activity for Generalized Robotic Manipulators,
Gainesville, Florida,
1978 February 8-10.
Horn, B.K.P.,
Proc. A.I.S.B./G.I. Conference 1978,
Hamburg, West-Germany,
1978 July 16-20.
B.K.P. Horn and R.J. Woodham,
“LANDSAT MSS Coordinate Transformations”,
Proc. Conf. on Machine Processing of Remotely Sensed Data,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,
1979 June 27-29.
K. Ikeuchi and B.K.P. Horn,
“An Application of Photometric Stereo”,
Proc. 6th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence,
Tokyo, Japan,
1979 August 20-23.
B.K.P. Horn,
“Derivation of Invariant Scene Characteristics from Images”,
Proc. American Federation of Information Processing Societies Conference (AFIPS),
National Computer Conference,
Anaheim, California,
1980 May 19-22
B.K.P. Horn and E.J. Weldon,
“Filtering Closed Curves”,
Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
San Francisco, California, 1985 June 9-13.
S. Negahdaripour and B.K.P. Horn,
“Determining 3-D Motion of Planar Objects from Image Brightness Patterns”,
Proc. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence,
Los Angeles, California, 1985 August 5-12.
M.J. Brooks and B.K.P.Horn,
“Shape and Source from Shading”,
Proc. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence
Los Angeles, California, 1985 August 5-12.
S. Negahdaripour and B.K.P. Horn,
“Direct Passive Navigation: Analytical Solution for Planes”,
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
San Francisco, CA, pp. 1157–1163, 1986, April 7–10.
B.K.P. Horn and E.J. Weldon Jr.,
“Computationally-Efficient Methods for Recovering Translational Motion”,
Proc. of the International Conference on Computer Vision,
London, England, 1987 June 8-11.
S. Negahdaripour and B.K.P. Horn,
“Using Depth-is-Positive Constraint to Recover Translational Motion”,
IEEE Workshop on Computer Vision,
Miami Beach, FL,
1987 November 30--December 2.
J.L. Wyatt, D. Standley and B.K.P. Horn,
“Local Computation of Useful Global Quantities Using Linear Resistive-Grid Networks”,
Conference on Neural Networks for Computing,
Snowbird, UT, 1990 April.
D.L. Standley and B.K.P. Horn
“An Object Position and Orientation IC with Embedded Imager”
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
San Francisco, CA, 1991 Feb 13-15.
D.L. Standley and B.K.P. Horn
“Analog CMOS IC for Object Position Position and Orientation”
Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 1473,
Orlando, Florida, 1991 April.
J.L. Wyatt, C. Keast, M. Seidel, D. Standley, B. Horn, T. Knight, C. Sodini, H.-S. Lee, and T. Poggio
“Analog VLSI Systems for Early Vision Processing”,
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
San Diego, California, 1992 May 10-13.
J.L. Wyatt, C. Keast, M. Seidel, D. Standley, B. Horn, T. Knight, C. Sodini, H.-S. Lee
“Small, Fast Analog VLSI Systems for Early Vision Processing”,
Proc. of the Intelligent Vehicles Symposium,
Detroit, Michigan, 1992 June 29 - July 1.
I. Masaki, S. Decker, A. Gupta, B.K.P. Horn, H.-S. Lee, D.A. Martin, C.G. Sodini, J.K. White, J.L. Wyatt, Jr.,
“Cost-Effective Vision Systems for Intelligent Vehicles”
Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 94,
24–26 Oct. 1994, pp. 39–43.
I.S. McQuirk, Hae-Seung Lee, B.K.P. Horn
“An analog VLSI chip for estimating the focus of expansion”
Proc. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference
March 1997.
L. Zhang, R.C. Lanza, B.K.P. Horn, R.E. Zimmermann,
“Coded Aperture Gamma Cameras”
in J.T. Dobbins and J.M. Boone, eds.
Medical Imaging 1998: Physics of Medical Imaging,
pp. 364–373, SPIE, May 1998
L. Zhang, B.K.P. Horn, R.C. Lanza,
“Pattern Design and Imaging Methods in 3-D Coded Aperture Techniques”
Proc. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,
Toronto, Canada,
1998 November 8-14.
J. Ryu, B.K.P. Horn, M.S. Mermelstein, S. S. Hong and D.M. Freeman,
“Application of Structured Illumination in Nano-Scale Vision”,
IEEE Comp. Soc. Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ,
(CVPR), 2003
K.P. Ziock, L. Fabris, B.K.P. Horn, R.C. Lanza, and N.W. Madden,
“Large Area Imaging Detector for Long-Range, Passive Detection of Fissile Material”,
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS),
October 19-25, 2003.
X. Yang and B.K.P. Horn,
“Cone-Beam Image Reconstruction by Moving Frames”,
ECCV 2004 Workshops CVAMIA and MMBIA,
Prague, Czech Republic, May 15, 2004.
K.P. Ziock, W.W. Craig, L. Fabris, R.C. Lanza, S. Gallagher, B.K.P. Horn, N.W. Madden, E. Smith, and M. Woodring,
“Source-Search Sensitivity of a Large-Area, Coded-Aperture, Gamma-Ray Imager”,
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium,
Rome, Italy, 2004 October.
A.L. Damato, B.K.P. Horn, R.C. Lanza,
“Coded Source Imaging for Neutrons and X-Rays”,
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record,
Oct/Nov 2006.
B.K.P. Horn, Y. Fang and I. Masaki,
“Time to Contact Relative to a Planar Surface”,
Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium,
June 2007.
Y. Fang, B.K.P. Horn, I. Masaki,
“Hierarchical framework for direct gradient-based time to contact estimation”,
Proc. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium,
Xian, China, 2009 June 3-5.
B. Bilgic, B.K.P. Horn, and I. Masaki,
“Efficient Integral Image Computation on the GPU”,
Proc., IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium,
University of California, San Diego, CA, USA, 2010 June 21-24.
B. Bilgic, B.K.P. Horn, and I. Masaki,
“Fast Human Detection with Cascaded Ensembles on the GPU”,
Proc., IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium,
University of California, San Diego, CA, USA,
2010 June 21-24.
Taeg Sang Cho, S. Paris. B.K.P. Horn and W.T. Freeman,
“Blur kernel estimation using the Radon Transform”,
Proc. CVPR 2011, IEEE Computer Society,
Colorado Springs, CO, USA, 2011 June 21-23.
A. Overeem, J. Robinson, H. Leijnse, R. Uijlenhoet, G.-J. Steeneveld, B.K.P. Horn,
“Retrieval of air temperatures from crowd-sourced battery temperatures of cell phones”
European Geosciences Union General Assembly,
Vienna, Austria, 2013 April 12.
B.K.P. Horn,
“Suppressing Traffic Flow Instabilities”,
Proc. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2013),
Den Haag, Netherlands,
2013, October 6-9.
A. Overeem, J. Robinson, H. Leijnse, R. Uijlenhoet, G.-J. Steeneveld, B.K.P. Horn,
“Crowdsourcing urban air temperatures from smartphone battery temperatures,”
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014,
Vienna, Austria, 2014 May 1.
T. Baran, B.K.P. Horn,
“A Robust Signal-Flow Architecture For Cooperative Vehicle Density
38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
IEEE Signal Processing Society,
Vancouver, Canada,
2013 May 26-31.
Liang Wang, Xiaoyue Luo, B.K.P. Horn, and Shengchun Wang,
“Detect the Rail Track Flaw by Estimating the Camera Shaking,”
The 17th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems,
Qingdao, China , 2014 Oct 8-11
Liang Wang and B.K.P. Horn,
“Time-to-Contact Control for Safety and Reliability of Self-driving Cars”
The Third IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (IEEE ISC2 2017),
Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China,
2017 September 14-17.
Berthold K.P. Horn,