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> Lazy evaluation can win in space even when all the values are
used, if they
> aren't needed at once, though. For example, Haskell's
> foldl1 (+) [1..2^40]
In comparing 'foldl' to 'reduce', you missed the fairly easy
solution of using the Python 'xrange' built-in function to generate
a lazy sequence of integers; i.e.:
reduce(operator.add, xrange(2L**40))
There's a similar 'xreadlines' function which lazily iterates over
the contents of a file.
Somewhat unintuitively, though, these functions do not return
generators; rather, they return 'xrange' or 'xreadlines' objects,
which are implemented seperately as C extension types.
Also, while you *can* do this:
>>> r = xrange(2L**40)
>>> r[6]
The following results from trying to do the same with a generator:
>>> s = gen_range(2L**40)
>>> s[6]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: unsubscriptable object
This lack of caching of previously generated values is something
that's not readily apparent to a new user of iterators, and keeps
them from being perfect replacements for lazy sequences.
With generators/iterators and the type/class unification in Python
2.2, there is an ever-shrinking list of language features I wish
Python had:
1. 'lambda' accepting a full suite of expressions, rather than
a single statement
2. a 'case' or 'switch' statement, with arbitrary boolean conditions
3. the addition of the '*arg' and '**kw' function prototype
syntax to general cases of tuple unpacking and pattern matching
(especially if paired with a 'case' as described below)
I think I can live without macros, given the above
provisions...actually, I've been living without macros for most of
the last year, and generally done alright.
P.S.: Before anyone says anything, I know that if Python had
macros, I could implement any or all of the above myself. I'll come
right out and say it: I would be the first to jump to a Python
built on top of Scheme that still supported most of the standard
libraries, *and* the indentation syntax (at least for day-to-day
coding, with the S-exp representation available for low-level
Lennon Day-Reynolds
- Follow-Ups:
- From: jeremy@alum.mit.edu (Jeremy Hylton)
- References:
- From: "Oliver Steele" <steele@cs.brandeis.edu>