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Re: XML as a transition to s-expr

At 12:34 PM 12/18/01, Lauri Alanko wrote:
>On Tue, Dec 18, 2001 at 11:38:47AM -0500, Scott McKay wrote:
> > You have over-simplified here, by cramming together two different
> > concepts: "attributes" and "bodies".
>If that is the case, then you also have crammed together two different
>concepts: "attribute names" and "attribute values". A plist is also a
>user-friendly simplification of an alist. If you want a "clean" syntax,
>wouldn't you prefer the one used by PLT Scheme's XML package:
>(table ((cellpadding "0") (cellspacing "0"))
>  (tr ()
>   (td ((width "50%"))
>     "Cell one")
>   (td ((width "50%"))
>     "Cell two")))

It depends if you want to support attribute names that do not take values.
Otherwise, it's not ambiguous.