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Re: the uses of macros

If I read your message correctly, there are two aspects to your 
new construct: 
 1. a new syntactic facility ("block"ing constructs)
 2. a run-time mechanism (managing ports, handles)

Part 1 could be dealt with via macros. These macros would need to bind 
a new run-time procedure (part 2) [which someone unfortunately dubbed 
`referentially transparent' macros (as opposed to `hygienic macros', 
which is a term that I introduced and defined).] Sounds perfectly legit to
me, and falls within my uses of macros (evaluation order inside of a "frame",
possibly with binding). 

If you want to do it with modules that hide the additional procedures, 
see Matthew Flatt's new module-macro mechanism in PLT Scheme (and read
up on it in his forthcoming ICFP paper. Matthew, is it ready?)

If you want to understand Scheme's control mechanism for these kinds of things
read up on dynamic wind. 

Hope I understood your problem -- Matthias

At Sun, 26 May 2002 03:59:55 -0400 (EDT), Kragen Sitaker wrote:
> Matthias Felleisen writes:
> > At Sat, 25 May 2002 05:01:07 -0400 (EDT), Kragen Sitaker wrote:
> > > in Python ... I often wish for more, for a variety of reasons
> > > explained in _On Lisp_.  Most often, I wish for unwind-protect
> > > macros (Scheme's with-open-file, for example, and sometimes I wish
> > > for an analogous with-lock-held) and new binding constructs,
> > > although I would like these to be merely a more convenient
> > > interface to existing functions.
> > 
> > I'd like to propose that there are three disciplined uses of macros: 
> > 1. data sublanguages: ...
> > 2. binding constructs: ...
> > 3. evaluation reordering: ...
> > 
> > I understand that Lispers use macros for other reasons. In all honesty, I 
> > believe that this is partly due to compiler deficiencies, and partly due to 
> > "semantic" irregularities in the target language. 
> I was thinking of "with-input-from-file" here, and a look at R5RS says
> that it (a) doesn't do what I thought it did and (b) isn't a macro.
> So I guess I have to explain.
> It's desirable to limit the number of concurrently-open file
> descriptors; one convenient tool for this is tying a file descriptor's
> lifetime to a particular stack frame.
> (All of this also applies to locks, too.)
> So I want a construct like Emacs's save-excursion, which cleans up on
> either normal exit or exceptional exit; in Python I often find myself
> writing this:
>     myfile = open(somefilename)
>     try:
> 	foo(myfile)
> 	bar(myfile)
>     finally:
> 	myfile.close()
> and I'd rather be able to write this:
>     myfile = open(somefilename)
>     with_open_file(myfile):
> 	foo(myfile)
> 	bar(myfile)
> or even, with a binding construct, this:
>     with_open_file(myfile, somefilename):
> 	foo(myfile)
> 	bar(myfile)
> I can't write these two examples in actual Python because it doesn't
> have macros or Ruby-style block arguments.
> In actual Python, it's possible to define a with_open_file like
> Scheme's call-with-input-file or with-input-from-file, which lets me
> do the following:
>     def foobar(myfile):
> 	foo(myfile)
> 	bar(myfile)
>     with_open_file(somefilename, foobar)
> but that is noisy to me.
> In C++, I can just say:
>     { 
>         File myfile = somefilename; 
>         foo(myfile); 
>         bar(myfile; 
>     }
> and let File's destructor clean up the mess.
> (Implementing the above in Scheme seems problematic to me, because the
> difference between a nonlocal return to implement error-handling and
> the calling of some other continuation to implement threading is not
> visible to the language implementation, and I guess this is why
> with-input-from-file doesn't do what I thought it did.)
> It doesn't seem to me that this use of macros is a data sublanguage,
> and it isn't really evaluation reordering, and while having a binding
> construct there makes it a little more convenient to use, it's sort of
> orthogonal to the real purpose.
> So, Matthias, is this use of macros undisciplined, in your view?  Or
> does it constitute another category?
> -- 
> <kragen@pobox.com>       Kragen Sitaker     <http://www.pobox.com/~kragen/>
> Irony and sarcasm deflate seriousness, and when your seriousness becomes detum-
> escent, you're not held responsible for your thoughts. Irony beats thinking like
> rock beats scissors. -- http://www.hyperorg.com/backissues/joho-june2-98.html