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On the subject of s-expr notation

Does anybody know of any successful experiments in attempting to run-time
translate a subset of C-like (Algol-like, I guess) syntax down to a
Lisp/Scheme notation?  It doesn't seem like it would be hard, but a google
search isn't yielding much.

Background is that I'm thinking of selling a client on a product that uses
an embedded Scheme interpreter, but the client is somewhat uncomfortable
with having to maintain Scheme code in places.  I'm thinking wrapping the
scheme syntax with a domain-specific-language which would merely be a
mapping of the same Scheme code to a simple dynamically-typed C-like
language, to make things easier to read for those unaccustomed to
lisp-like notation.

Does this seem at all reasonable?

"Look in the mirror and don't be tempted to equate transient domination
with either intrinsic superiority or prospects for extended survival."
- Stephen J Gould
____ ryan daum ____________________________________ ryan@techno.ca _________