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Re: [OT] Generalizing Types as Provable Invariants
Yes, there are degrees of safety. But there are borderlines that
are obvious. Or, as some Supreme Court Justice once said, "I know
it when I see it" though that wasn't about safety. -- Matthias
At 01 Jun 2002 02:49:09 +0200, Pixel wrote:
> Matthias Felleisen <matthias@ccs.neu.edu> writes:
> > A type system for an unsafe language is insidious. -- Matthias
> (troll below:)
> ah, what is safe, what is not...
> C, C++? easy unsafe!
> OCaml?
> # let rec fact n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * fact(n-1);;
> # fact 100;;
> - : int = 0
> hum, no warning, no error, no exception. Is that safe?
> MzScheme?
> > (- (+ 1 1e-100) 1)
> 0.0
> hum, no warning, no error, no exception. Is that safe?
> the conclusion is of course not that all languages are the same!
> PS: I agree I had some problem making MzScheme fail since it has
> bigrats... but MzScheme allow simple things like "sqrt", opening the
> door to floating point... so even without using 1e-100 which is
> explictly a float (and not a bigrat), one can make the bad floating
> point underflow happen...