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Re: following up on speed
--- Daniel Weinreb <DLWeinreb@attbi.com> wrote:
> Ken Anderson wrote:
> >
> > "C programmers should now seriously consider using
> conservative
> > garbage collection instead of malloc/free in
> programs they write."
> A big theme of the LL1 workshop was: why isn't
> industry listening to
> academia? This
> strikes me as an excellent case to study, if anyone
> has the time and
> inclination to do so.
A few reasons are easy:
- very few programmers know about conservative
- people have this problem with the timeliness of
resource harvesting. Often listed as a pro of
reference counting schemes. I read that ref-counting
was seriously considered for .Net instead of garbage
collection! (Not sure where, but following links from
Sam Gentile's web page (ask Google) might turn up the
- for some uses (most often real time) GC is
considered bad (ignoring research on deterministic
GC). Apparently a reason C++ doesn't include GC is so
it can be used in military systems that forbid GC
(again no reference).
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