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Re: macros vs. blocks
"AvS" == Anton van Straaten <anton@appsolutions.com> writes:
AvS> For those who haven't already seen it, Oleg Kiselyov gives a good
AvS> summary of the case for macros in this presentation:
AvS> http://okmij.org/ftp/papers/Macros-talk.pdf
Just FYI, I don't recall any mention of the chapters about macros in
Paul Graham's book "On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp".
7. Macros
8. When to use Macros
9. Variable Capture
10. Other Macro Pitfalls
11. Classic Macros
12. Generalized Variables
13. Computation at Compile-Time
14. Anaphoric Macros
15. Macros Returning Functions
16. Macro-Defining Macros
17 Read-Macros
18. Destructuring
19. A Query Compiler (an example of macro use)
--- Vladimir
P.S. In the preface of that book, Paul attributes to Sean (John)
Foderaro a quote that I particularly like:
Lisp is a programmable programming language.
Vladimir G. Ivanovic http://leonora.org/~vladimir
2770 Cowper St. vladimir@acm.org
Palo Alto, CA 94306-2447 +1 650 678 8014