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Re: Macros in Dylan

>>>>> "Dorai" == Dorai Sitaram <ds26@gte.com> writes:

Dorai> Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor] wrote:

>> Ermh, SYNTAX-CASE is pattern-based *and* programmatic.  

Dorai> I haven't been able to find a self-sufficient
Dorai> programmatic (ie, non-pattern-dependent) core to the
Dorai> syntax-case mechanism, at least one that's available
Dorai> across all its implementations.  

I didn't mean to say it has a core without patterns; I only meant to
say that is certainly has pattern matching and pattern construction
facilities, and that it allows you to employ them in the context of
ordinary Scheme code.

Dorai> The PLT set of {define-syntax, datum->syntax-object,
Dorai> syntax-object->datum, quote-syntax} seems like it could
Dorai> be it,

I'm pretty sure it does.

Dorai> but it is not standard, and even then I'm not sure it captures
Dorai> everything.

Nothing about SYNTAX-CASE is standard for any meaning of the word I
can imagine; the final chapter on what it is doesn't seem to have been
written yet.

Cheers =8-} Mike
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